Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Western Days 2009

Western Days started off on a soggy note. 3 inches of rain Friday. But Saturday dawned sunny and cool. We had a great time. Played games. Supper was a Dutch oven cook off. Jeanene won both catagories. Some really yummy food. Everything had to be cooked over the fire. We played music around the campfire till it got so cold our fingers wouldn't work anymore. Roasted peeps and marshmellows and had a great time sitting around the campfire.

Miss Katlin leading the games. We voted for best costume. Mary won. Played cowboy tivia and John Wayne says. That with steer roping and bull riding completed the games.
The Kat Pizz tribe camped nearby. They were a very friendly tribe lead by Chief Sitting Bull. Shown here Mighty Pancake, Limping Doe and Running Bear


Cowboy Alex

School Marm The Lone Ranger and Tonto

Cowgirl Janene didn't have much luck at roping but boy can she make good ice cream

Sheriff Hayden riding the bull.

Running Bear riding the bull. Look at that war paint.

Miss Katlin being the lady must ride side saddle. Takes a good rider to hang on that way

Cowboy Alex riding the bull!!

Cookie seams to have gotten the drop on the Lone Ranger. Where are those silver bullets when you need them?

Mighty Pancake Steer roping

Bald Eagle roping.

Cowboy Alex has some help to rope his steer.

Tonto tries his/her hand at roping. I think the hair got in his eyes.

Cowboy Dick show us how it's done. Way to go!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Girls on the run

Katlin and her running buddy Erin before the big race. It was the Ronald McDonald 5K on May 3rd. Girls on the Run is a running club to encourage girls in the sport of running. There is no pressure to do a certain time but just to do their best.

Here they are at the start of the race. Katlin is number 451 with the blue crown.

Here she is crossing the finish line. She finished in 45minutes. Not bad!!!

Here is Katlin with her medal. All the girls from Girls on the Run got a medal.

A Grand New Day

Here we go on our own Grand new day adventure.

Women of Faith conference at the Wells fargo Arena. May 1st and 2nd. Pretty intense but funny too. Friday day was Dr. Henry Cloud, Marilyn Meberg and Sandi Patty. Friday night was Pasty Clairmont and Steven Curtis Chapman. Wow can he sing!! Saturday was Mandisa ,a former American Idol contestant, Sheila Walsh, Lisa Whelchel from Facts of Life and Luci Swindol. Very serious this year. and what happened to Thelma Wells? No one said a thing about her.

This picture made us famous or maybe infamous. At least it got some of our names on the radio.

Cindy has a guilty look on her face I wonder why?

James Dean surprised me in the bathroom. Got my heart a pumping anyway!

The Five and Dinner, where we ate supper. It's a real blast from the past and the food is good too.