Sunday, March 14, 2010

She's Twelve

We celebrated Katlin's 12th birthday on Sunday. Cindy, Shane and Kyann came down from CR. Mary and Donnie, Lloyd and Jeannine , Connor John, Dan and I rounded out the group. She got to open her gifts first. She was happy about that. Teresa had sent her some OU stuff and she was excited about that. She and Dan are not Twinkies however!! She got many other gifts, movies, gift cards, CD's, a new bow for her fiddle, Jeannine made her a letter opener out of wood that was really neat. She got some money too and that is always good.

She got a sewing basket from Aunt Connie and she was thrilled. Her knitting fits in it and now the cats can't get to it.

Here she is with her three layer chocolate and strawberry cake with green frosting. It is what she requested along with strawberry Sneaky Pete Punch.

She was pretty windy and blew all the candles out on one try! After cake and homemade ice cream (thank you Mary) we played some music and then she and Connor went to the park for a while. Dan grilled some hot dogs and we had supper and played some more music. Think she had a good birthday and will celebrate again on Tuesday with her Mom and family.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Over The Top

Here we are taking off on Friday morning for Women of Faith Conference in Des Moines. It was a cloudy day but very sunny in the car. Nigel got us to our destination with no problems.
The day speakers were Patsy Clairmont and a man named Andy Andrews. Patsy is always good. No one had ever heard of Andy and when he came out on stage it was like watching a drop of water on a hot skillet. He was all over the stage and off too. I thought I wasn't going to like him but once he got started you were spell bound. Awesome Awesome speaker.He reminded us that everything we do in life matters.
We had Nigel take us to Dos Rios for supper. It is a Mexican restaurant downtown. I can highly recommend it. They made guacamole dip right at our table and to our specifications. It was very yummy as was all the food.

This is our motel room at Quality Inn. It was very nice and didn't smell like smoke this year as they had gone smoke free. We had a good hot breakfast in the morning.

This is a little video clip of Nicole C. Mullens and some of the kids she sponsors. The worship music was totally awesome. Mandsia was Amanda's fav. Sandy Patty still has it for me.
We stopped at the Five and Dinner on the way home for supper. Kathy stayed with Amanda and came home on Sunday. What s rejuvenating week end. I could use them more often.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

She's Two

She is officially two now. These are her cakes. No your not seeing double, she had two parties. One for the ins and one for the outs. The cakes turned out really good and she liked them. The most important thing after all.

Here we are singing happy birthday to her. Daddy helped her blow out her candle.

Here she is with her wheelbarrow from Uncle Dan. She knew exactly what to do with it. Katlin had given her the gardening tools and she picked them up and put them in the wheelbarrow and took off. Think she has seen daddy do this a time or two.

This is a puzzle and a drum she got.

This is from Grandma. She needs something to work off all her energy. I had Dan and Shane put it together the night before and as you can see she found it early in the morning. Lost count of how many times she went up and down but a few. Wish you could have seen her smiles. We all had a good time and hope her second party went as well.