Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Regina Orchestra

This was Katlin's Spring Orchestra Concert at Regina. It was held at St. Patrick's Church (a new one in Iowa City and darn hard to find). but very beautiful. Katlin had a solo piece and her teacher asked silent Dan to give a 3-4minute talk on violins. The whole piece was only three minutes! And the song takes two. She did very well and her whole group were very well behaved and sounded very professional. My favorite song they played was Somewhere Over the Rainbow. We took Katlin out to eat before the concert. (Texas Roadhouse of course) Mary, Donnie, Jeanine Dan and I were there ,along with Amy , Frank and Nancy. So Katlin had quite a following.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Coon Dog Show

The Coon Hunter show was very interesting. I have never seen so many dogs in one place in my life. Who knew that there was that much interest in coon hunting? They were running a little late with the judging. You should have seen the trophies. Some of them were 4 feet tall!!! for a coon dog! We tried to guess which dog would win each division but were wrong every time. The judge must look at something different. Here is a picture of some of the dogs getting ready for the judge.

They had a kids division with several entries. More girls than boys it seemed. Isn't that what every parent wants for their daughter--- a good coon dog

Here is Katlin and Andy at the CD table. Sold to 25% of the audience. (4 people) Yes only four people were listening. Occasionally we had six or eight. Until 8:15 then it was standing room only. No they didn't all decide we were suddenly that good. It was time for the assignments for the night and they were given out in the arena.
Oh well I certainly was not embarrassed to play in front of my audience.
Here is a little clip of one of the songs Whiskey Before Breakfast. I am the one standing behind Katlin. See the pink shirt? That's me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Satute to Adam

Adam with Grandpa and Grandma
We had a farewell super for Adam. He leaves on

Sunday for North Carolina (or South can't remember

for sure) He is really excited and ready. His

family not so much. He has make a complete

turn around with his life and we are all very proud

of him.

This is Adam with his cammo cake and grenade

A shot of his family.

Dad, sis, niece and mom.

This is one set of grandparents. Larry and Mary Ann

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Little Marley Rose

Meet Little Marley Rose another new member of our family. She is about 10 days old here and cute as a button. She was so wide awake for our visit and did all the things new babies do, ate, slept,burped and even cried a minute. We went out to eat and so was sooo good. Slept and let momma and daddy eat in peace. Hope they enjoyed it cause that won't last long.

Here is great grandma Connie with her. She doesn't look proud at all does she?

This is a mural Grandma Angie (gee, Angie is a grandma?) painted on the nursery wall. I didn't know she could do that.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Haylee Love's shower

Meet one of the newest members of the family. Little Haylee Love. She even smiled for her party

This is one of the crazy games Connie came up with. It's called multitasking. Can you hold the baby, talk on the phone and hang up clothes at the same time? Angie was the winner at 36 seconds. Katlin had never hung up clothes before but she did pretty good. Another game was My water Broke. Little inch long plastic babies were frozen in an ice cube and the first one to get their baby free shouts my water broke.

This is the quilt I made Haylee. It is called "Whoa Baby".

This is Tiffany with the wall hanging Katlin gave her.
Little Haylee got lots of nice things.

Grammy Geri with Haylee.

What ever Mary is saying has Haylee spellbound.

Grammy Geri, Haylee and Momma Tiffany and Nana

Mary tried an new recipe for coffee cake and we think is it a winner. Double lemon. Yum! As always good food and good fun.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

This is Kyann dyeing her first Easter Egg. She was not impressed. She threw one egg on the floor and managed to turn both of her hands blue(it did wash off). Katlin did most of the work and I think our eggs turned out really pretty.

Katlin liked them so well she didn't want me to make deviled eggs out of them. I ended up letting her keep two to take home and show her mom.

This is Easter morning before church. Kyann is trying out a new Easter bonnet (Katlin's old cowboy hat) On her it looks cute.

Shane was the best Easter bunny ever. It was hard for the adults to find all the eggs but we had a laugh or two about it. Made it fun for Katlin.

Here is Kyann finding one.

Here is Katlin finding one of hers.

We had a fun week-end. Played at the park. The weather couldn't have been better.