Saturday, August 28, 2010

Garage Sale

Had a garage sale this week-end and now I know why I haven't had one for years. It's a lot of work. This is day 2. We didn't have time on day one to think much less take a picture. All together we sold $460.00. Dick sold a dulcimer for $100.00 and all most everything else was under a dollar. We moved lots of stuff!!. Still had some thing left. Going to the bargain box. After we got set up it was very nice to sit in the shade and watch people.

Miss Marly Rose came to visit. She had grown so much! Such a cutie. Kirby was good to help us tear down and put stuff away.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August with Kyann

Kyann still like to ride in her wagon. I'm surprised she still fits in it she has gotten so tall! Still had the cute smile.

Shane was getting ready to take her on her morning walk. She still calls him Shane not daddy. It is really funny to hear her call him that. He doesn't look too proud, does he?

She is leaning new skills all the time. Here she was stringing beads. She still is a sorter and organizer. Keeps her busy.

Here she cooking with mom. It was a hoot to watch. Cindy has much more patience with her than I would. But she had a lot of fun.

We had gone shopping in the morning and she was watching a video here. She is such a sweet baby. Free with her kisses and hugs. We had a good time.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Back 40 Bluegrass Fetival

Saturday morning we went to Curryville Mo to the 3rd annual Back 40 Bluegrass Festival. We left about 8 A.M. Jennine, Dan , Katlin and I. It is about 2 1/2 hours but the road was good and the time went by quickly. Jennine had been last year. Some of Dan's favorite groups were playing. It was hot in the 90's and humid. What else is new? We parked by some friends of Jeanine and Dan's and picked for a while till they wanted to go see someone on stage. We ate our picnic lunch and then went to see some of the stage show. Decided to stay and watch so they all went back for chairs and drinks. And we watched till about 4:30 when Jeanine's friends had asked us to supper. They had fixed brats and burgers and all kinds of salads. Very tasty.
This is Barry Scott and Second Wind (AKA) Mountain Faith. His whole band had left him about a month ago and these kids were filling in till he could replace them. They ranged from 15 to 20 years old and were very good. Dan had seen his band last year and said he was disappointed because his former band had been so good.
This was who we went to see IIIrd Tyme Out. And they were worth the drive. Awesome harmonies and just easy to listen to. Also really enjoyed Audie Blaylock and Redline. Just amazing harmonies! I listened to most of the show. It was non stop from 11 A.M. to 11 P.M.. Even the house bands were good. If it hadn't of been so hot it would have been perfect. There was a breeze and if you weren't moving it was tolerable. When the sun went down it was nice, but then the skeeters came out. We had fought the sweat bees all day. Was fun all the same. Didn't get home till after 2:30 but was worth it. This is the next generation playing.

Drew (11) Katlin (12) and Zack (16). They spent a lot of time playing. You could really tell they were enjoying themselves.