Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chinese Acrobats

Cindy Dunn asked me if I would like to go to the Chinese acrobats at the Sondheim Center.   I was free by some miracle and really enjoyed the performance.
These people did some amazing things.  And the people all looked very young.  Here this man caught 6 or 7 bowls on his head, then a cup and then put a spoon in the cup all while balancing on a plank on a cylinder
This was pretty cool.  These too men moved in slow motion supporting each other in unbelievable positions.  They were wearing suits that looked like muscles and it was pretty cool.
Some of the acts were hard to capture on film as they moved too fast.
This performer must have been the star of the show.    He piled  a dozen chairs on one another and then balanced on the top of them. They made some of the audience move out of the way and he had spotters just in case.  It was pretty exciting.

This was the grand finale and everyone gave them a standing ovation.   Thanks Cindy for letting me be your friend for the night.  I had a really good time.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Dig In Fairfield

KC and the Pickup Band opened for the Jefferson County Green Band at Fairfield's Dig In celebration.    Here we are on stage.  It was so cold.  I thought I would never warm up.  My fingers wouldn't work  part of the time.    If it had been warmer  I wouldn't have minded too much.   I didn't warm up until 3:30 in the morning. But it was a learning experience.
Group photo after the performance.   We got a free hamburger and got to listen to some really good music.   So wasn't a total wash out.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We had our Easter celebration early this year so Cindy and Shane could go to the Kofron's on Sunday.  Had traditional ham. Tried a new escalloped potatoe receipe, which every one really liked.  Had a lot of parmesen cheese in it and whipping cream. I made deviled egss and found out no one really likes them.  That was the one thing I had lots of leftovers with.  Everyone but Dan really liked the strawberry spinash salad. It's nice when you cook for three days getting ready that people appreciate the food. I had a whole list of to do jobs for Dan and Shane but the rain spoiled them.  It did let up in the afternoon so we could do an egg hunt.   Katlin said she was too big to hunt eggs   anymore  but she did.   Maybe the last time.  Who knows?

Kyann got right after them and did a really good job.  Our eggs contained jelly beans, gourmet cheese balls and  the orange ones (for Katlin only) had chocolate.                                                                         
Shane was our Easter Bunny again this year.  He does a really good job at hiding.   Makes it fun for old and young alike.
Cindy's went home in the afternoon with some leftovers for supper.  Dan and katlin came sunday morning for breakfast and went to church with me.  I tried a new recipe for breakfast too Sticky Bun French Toast.  Quite Yummy.  Of course I had to have Marceline Hashbrown casserole.