Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Another Christmas come and gone. My last to work and for that I'm not sorry. I had to work Christmas Eve, my last day of 6 and we were really busy. I was so tired when I got home. The weather was so iffy, I wasn't sure if any one would show up. But I went ahead with plans, and everyone made it fine. This is what it looked like before the chaos began. It look like a lot but everyone asked for big things this year.

Katlin said her favorite gift was the bean bag chair I got her. She has used it a lot since then. But she is pretty easy to please.
I think Dan thought he had a really good year. This is the recliner I got for him. I took a picture and wrapped that.

Cindy wanted mostly clothes so she was easy.

This is one of Shane's' big gifts a shop vac. One of my Black Friday bargains.

Kyann was not at all interested in opening gifts but would play with them after they were opened. She had to have a nap in the middle of presents again this year. This is later in the day after nap time in her Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Tent. And no that is not Mickey's tail hanging down it is the tie to the door.

I had a good time and good almost everything on my list. a movie, a pot rack, a magazine rack, and snowman yard lights from Dan. A picture album of Kyann, a new rug for my bedroom, 2 4 gig memory chips for my camera and some cool quilting things from Cindy and Shane. Katlin got me a mp3 player and as soon as I figure out how to use it I think I'm going to really like it. Hope everyone had as good a Christmas as I did.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Eklund Duppa

This year Dick was in charge of Duppa. We met at the Libertyville Community Center on December 12th. We had a smallish crowd this year. Somewhere between 30 and 35. We had a really good dinner and then played Jeopardy. Here is Kyann in front of the game board. We had 4 teams: The Browns , The Greens, The Blacks and The Smiths. Larry was the grand prize winner, as he was the only one who got the final jeopardy question right. Everyone was a good sport about it. And the weather was getting dicey so we headed for home about 8:30. Mary is in charge next year. Wonder what she will choose to do?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cookie Exchange/Domino Tournament 2009

On Saturday morning 10 of us got together for our annual cookie exchange and/domino tournament.Last year we started having it in November to avoid bad roads and too many other conflicts. We had a really good time and way too much food to eat.

Here are some of the group hard at work. Looks like a pretty crocked chicken leg to me.!!

You really can't get a good idea of all the great food Mary fixed, especially because this is after we had grazed several times. Everything was really tasty Probably the overall favorite was the warm peach coffeecake.

Look at all those yummy cookies! Such a variety from some very good cooks.

Just look at these party crashers, enjoying our leftovers.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

After a short rest at the hotel we left to ride the Pizza train. It was a two and a half hour trip and they served each person 1/2 of a large domino's pizza and a can of pop. That meant we got 2 large pizzas. It was a lot of pizza. Connor had never ridden a train and both kids thought it was fun after supper they got to go to the observation car for a while. People in Minnesota are very very friendly. They would stop what they were doing and wave at the people on the train, for the whole trip!!! It got to be pretty funny. Driving, playing outside, grilling, talking on a cell phone, walking the dog, It didn't seam to matter they would wave and smile. After we got back to the depot we needed to go to a Walmart as because I was hurrying Dan he forgot his belt (again). On star was wrong again. They sent us to a Walgreens instead. We found a K-mart no too far way and went there. Back to the hotel for a good nights sleep.

This ends day two.

Day two started with a trip to the aquarium
It was a pretty neat experience. They had educational shows, divers in the large tanks, and a special seahorse exhibit.

One of the touch tanks was petting a sting ray. Here I am petting one. It felt soft and not at all like I thought it would. Katlin and Connor both petted it but Dan was a chicken. Said he didn't want to die like the crocodile hunter.

They also had other animals including a couple of sea otters that were fascinating to watch. One sat and sunned himself the other would swim from one end of the tank to the other continuously.

For me the neatest things to see were the seahorses. I never knew there were so many different kinds, sizes or colors. These were the cutest. At first we thought they were pregnant but they are pot bellied seahorses. Be sure to click on the picture so you can really see them.

Another one of the exhibits was Bogey a bald eagle so named because he was found on a golf course with a broken wing.

This was one of their larger tanks. It almost looks like they are inside. If you look carefully you can see the divers behind them.

After lunch at Hell's Kitchen (not of TV fame) we rented a surrey bike for an hour. I have never laughed so hard. Poor Dan he was pulling all our weight. I couldn't pedal much because of my bad knee and Connor ,bless his heart, his legs were too short to reach the pedals but he kept trying. He finally said he was getting chafed from sliding back and forth on the seat.Katlin was a little nervous about the whole thing but she did her best. Dan finally got so tired he made us pedal back through traffic so we could get back quicker.
We did not get our full hour in.

Next we went down to the pier to be ready for our wave to the folks back home. They had a web cam mounted on the building behind the boat. I had told everyone back home the web site and said we would be there at 3:00 to wave to them. Several people from home watched us but the funny thing was the people walking up thought we were waving at them and would wave back.

Katlin and Connor wanted to play in the Lake for a while and we tried to get a picture of both of them at the same time but it was really hard because the water was so cold they couldn't stay in for very long. Finally did get this picture of the two of them but you can tell they are cold.

We walked around the shops for a while before heading back to the hotel to get ready for the Pizza train. Here Connor was trying to help out a moose.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Vacation 2009

We started out on Tuesday evening about 4 P.M. after Dan got off work. We were late picking Katlin up due to road construction on Highway#1.
we did learn a cool move from one of the construction workers who must have worked at an airport at some point in his life. It was worth a couple of laughs. Picked Miss Katlin up about 5:45 and drove to Forest Lake, Mn. to a Comfort Inn and Suites for the night. Nice comfortable beds and an exhaust fan in the bathroom. Nice.
After a good hot breakfast we left for Duluth and our first stop the Lighthouse Restaurant for lunch. Then on to Gooseberry Falls Park.

Here are Gooseberry Falls. They really were beautiful. Dan Katlin and Connor are standing to the left of the picture. There is a short video at the bottom of this page. They about gave me heart failure. But then I am height challenged. I had to go back down the path and not look.

Here they are at the top of the falls. Dan in the yellow shirt, Katlin in pink and Connor in gray

Here they are climbing down the falls. Connor and Katlin are behind that tree. The kids (all three of them ) had a good time in the park.

Here is the view of the Split Rock Lighthouse from the shores of Lake Superior. It makes a postcard like scene. Really beautiful. This was our next and last stop of the day. We went up into the lighthouse and the view was wonderful. After being in the woods at Gooseberry Park the breeze off the lake was like air conditioning.

From the look on Katlin's face I'd say the water of lake Superior is pretty cold.

To get to the bottom of Lake Superior from the Lighthouse you had to climb down and back up 171 stairs or there was a path that angled down not quite so steep.

After our full and exciting day of exploring we checked into the Holiday Inn and put on our best bib and tucker and went out to eat at the Top of the Harbour restaurant at the Raddison Hotel. It is a revolving restaurant and makes one rotatin every 70 minutes. Our waiter wasn't too friendly and the food wasn't the best I'd ever had but the view was amazing and Connor and Katlin really enjoyed the experience. It had rained before we left so took the sky walk to the hotel and it was about three miles of walking. In reality it was only three blocks away. We walked outside on the way home. This ends day one.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kalona bluegrass Festival

Well no pictures this time unless someone else sends me some. Too busy. Dan wanted me to go to the workshop on Friday day. Last year there had been 3 or 4 bases so I said I would. But wouldn't you know it I was the only one!!! Didn't mind the workshop its self so much but in the afternoon we broke up into three different bands and wouldn't you know it I got stuck with the loser group. Or maybe it was me that made it the loser group. Could very well be. The little girl wouldn't listen to anyone talked nonstop and her stage mom picked the songs we were to do. Poor choices. One of the guitar players had only been playing 3 months ( he was only 12), the banjo player 's timing wasn't the best and he couldn't sing in the key I was used to playing the song in. The other guitar player was OK and the dulcimer player chickened out. Wish I had. Being on stage was not the highlight of the week end. It had rained most of the day and was very humid. It had stopped raining by the time the show was to start but there was no breeze and 120% humidity. I was sweating like I had been running a marathon. Of course my group had the most teeth so we had to go first. I did not know the base would be miked. so the whole campground could hear how badly I did. Also had to go up steps to get to the stage. Carrying a base up steps when I can barely get up them myself was a real challenge. Sometimes someone was there to help, sometimes not. Then Janeen's group went on and did well and Katlin's group was last and of course she was awesome. Then we had to go back as the whole Workshop Band. By that time my glasses were so fogged up I could barely see. I was never so glad for something to be over in my life.

Cindy, Shane and Kyann came on Saturday to visit but Miss Kyann would not nap so they had to leave early. Still she was cute and running everywhere. Mary and Donnie had to go to a wedding on Saturday afternoon and we thought she could sleep in their camper while they were gone but she wanted no part of that. I spent a lot of the day cooking supper and they didn't even get to stay to eat. I felt bad for them all.

All in all it was an OK weekend minus the stage show.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mar mar time

Got to go spend a couple of days with Cindy, Shane and Kyann. Got in some good Mar mar time. She is always on the go but once in a while she will stop and smell the flowers. She is a real Mama's girl. Though Daddy is not far behind.

Can't believe all the hair! My Kids only had some peach fuzz at this age.

One of her favorite games is peak a boo. She never gets tired of it and will usually bring a smile. Some times she doesn't realize you can still see her behind things. Soo cute. She is cutting several teeth. Felt sorry for her, those molars can be brutal.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Farmer's Market

The Coal Train Steel Band playing at the Farmer's Market June 27th. the week had been very hot and humid, typical Iowa weather, but was really nice that morning. Good breeze, lots of shade and good music. Joey, Dan, Katlin, Jenny and Andy.

Bill Riley Talent Show

Katlin waiting her turn to perform.

Part of her performance. She didn't win but she had a really good time and she did a fantastic job!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fiddle Camp

Ok this is my side of the story. It started out with no cell phone service in Bethel. So no communication with the outside world. Sunday night or early Monday morning it started to rain,(something it did every day but one) the rain beat on the air conditioner which was 3 inches from my head. It was a slow Chinese water torture . When I finally got up and took a bath (not a shower) which I had not done for years, got dressed and went out to get in my car to go to the restaurant for breakfast. Not having much to eat at Mabel's. When I started my car it said to check the tire pressure, so I checked on the info button and it said the pressure in the right rear tire was 1. Not believing everything I read I got out and looked and sure enough it was flat. Still raining! Still no phone!. Then I remembered the car phone. So I called Onstar and sure enough they take care of that. But it took a long time to find someone to come in rural Missouri. But about 10:30 he came put the donut on and took my tire to be fixed saying I could pick it up in the afternoon. By that time it was to late for breakfast so I decided to wait and go for lunch. Which wasn't too bad. When I went to pick up my tire in the afternoon they had not been able to find anything wrong with it. I found out later that night that there had been some trouble in the town with kids and I was just caught in the cross fire. End of day one.
Day two started out the same way with the slow Chinese water torture. Decided to go to Edina (30 miles away) to pick up some groceries, as Shelbyville (5miles away) did not have a grocery store. Also got a watch for Katlin so I could have mine back. She needed one to know what time to go to her lessons. Tried to let Katlin be on her own so did not go and watch square dancing that night. So my days after that consisted of doing my Bible study, reading for a while, knitting for a while, practicing guitar for a while and then I would watch a movie. Then start all over again. In between I would eat a bologna sandwich.

Mabel my hostess. She was a very nice lady but could talk the leg off a wooden table. She came Monday night for a while and talked for 1 hr and 45 minutes non stop. I had a headache after she left. She also can not see or doesn't want to clean. There were cobwebs everywhere. I had to clean the bathroom before I would use it.

This is the communal Kitchen. Lots of nick nack stuff every where

This was the living room. I sat here to knit (because there were no comfortable chairs in my room.)and visit with Mary, the other mother staying at Mabel's.

This was my very very dark bathroom. It was decorated with Christmas stuff because Mable's maiden name was Claus.

This was my bed. It was comfortable. I believe it was clean. It also came apart Wednesday nite. I was sitting reading and all of a sudden kerbang. The side rail came loose. The comforter weighed 22 pounds. I got all the bedding taken off and finally the mattress but could not raise the springs and put the rail back in by myself
Believe me I tried. It was 11 o clock at night and too late to call Mabel so I played Goldilocks and went upstairs and pick out another bed to sleep in. But of course it was 96 degrees and the air had not been turned on. I turned the air on in the first room and it sounded like a jet plane taking off. So I tried the next room and it was ok. When I lay down the sweat just dripped off of me and when I would turn over and feel the spot where I had been laying I am surprised it did not spontaneously combust. Eventually I fell asleep and called Mabel in the morning. She came and I helped her put the bed back together. But from then on I was afraid to move much on it for fear it would break again.

This is the outside of Mable's house. It looks nice doesn't it. I shared it with Mary (Ben's mom), wasps and spiders.

That is about the end of my story. It was a long long week. It was fun to watch the kids dancing and one night Katlin came to my house to take a hot bath cause the water was cold by the time she got to the showers at the dorm. One night I fed her all kinds of snacks cause she didn't eat much supper.
Then came the ride home. We left about 8:15 and should have been at the campgrunds by 9:30 at the latest but thanks to Onstar in was almost 11. Onstar took us on gravel roads and sometimes the gravel was missing. We were on a cow path when we saw some tail lights up ahead. In retrospect it probably was not too smart to stop and ask directions but I was pretty desperate at the time. The guy was nice and got us back to a paved road pretty quickly. Then we ran into fog and both Katlin and I thought the ride would never end. But we made is safely to the campgrounds and had a nice time for the week end. Katlin can't wait to go back. Me not so much.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fiddle Camp

This is Katlin's side of the story. She had her picture taken by a professional and it turned out really good.
Katlin had a wonderful time at fiddle camp and would go back next year if she gets the chance

This was Katlin's room. She had the bottom bunk on the right side. She shared her room with Cybil age 13 and Bergita age 15.

This is the outside of the girls dorm. They were lucky. The boys had a metal pole barn for their dorm and it was all one big room. The girls had several rooms upstairs. The down stairs had a living room, kitchen and dining room.

Every nite they students learned to dance. This is the Virginia Reel, Katlin's fav. They also had movie night and went swimming a couple of nights.One night they had water balloon fights. Had a wiener roast and s'mores on night.

On Friday afternoon they preformed their dances for the Senior citizens from around Shelbyville. Friday night they did the group performance with each student showcased during a song. Then they could get up and play a solo if they wanted. Ben asked Katlin , Carlie, and Barron to play Flop Eared Mule with him.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Connor John's Birthday

Kids playing after the party. They all get along so well.

Connor getting ready to blow out the candles

Angie made his cake. It turned out really really good.

Grandma Pat, Connor and Grandpa John
Grandma Pat makes really good cheesecake!

Connor, Grandpa Dennis and Grandma Connie

Mom, Connor and Dad. Great birthday party! You're only twelve once.