Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Concert

We went to Katlin's Winter concert last night. Mary, Donnie, Jeanine, Dan and I went. She didn't know Jeanine was coming so she was very surprised. We picked her up from practice and went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. Ummmm. Dan, Katlin, Jeanine and Donnie all had steaks. Mary and I had chicken. I have never eaten anything there that was not good. I could have been happy with the rolls and a salad. It was a nice evening. Interesting to note how much each group improved. I have to brag a little. Katlin was first chair in her group. They have a new teacher this year and although the kids really seem to like him, it didn't seem like the kids learned as much. I tried to download some video but it was too big and took toooooooo long. Sorry!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eagle Watching

What a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Katlin, Dan and I went to watch the eagles along the river in Ottumwa. It was BRISK by the water, but they have a really nice path to walk and watch. This one was out on rabbit run and was the closest we got to one. As soon as I tried to get closer he took off and flew away.

They look so far away but were really beautiful soaring and diving, and the sun was out for a few minutes. The first time in weeks it seams.

They are much bigger than you think. And by the way, does anyone know why they almost always sit in the the top most branches?
The noise in the video is the wind. It was blowing at a pretty good clip. And you can see the clouds rolling in.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Fiddle Club

Didn't get any pictures, again I forgot my camera (Senility really sets in fast after retirement), but had 13 fiddlers learning "Milk Cow Blues" They did an awesome job and it sounded really great. We were 5 audience members. They learned it pretty quick and moved on to snacks. Janene and Lloyd and Scotty stayed and jammed awhile after. Fun afternoon

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Frosty The Snowman

Just to keep the humor in this nasty winter. This should make you smile.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January with Kyann

Been to see my sweetie. She would not make up with me this time. I was ok to play with as long as mom or dad were around. She would come and give me a hug and kiss good night but I think she was surprised to see I was still there in the morning. It was fun anyway. Spent a morning shopping with Cindy and that is always fun.

Here is the abominable snowman. Looks like she an hardly move. But she loves being out side and it was above freezing. Dad took her for a stroller ride. The fresh air must have done her good as she took a 3 1/2 hour nap.
Playing with play dough. She liked to poke it with her finger.

What a precious smile she has.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Eve

We kind of went to the dogs this New Year's Eve. We went to Mary and Donnie's house. There were about 15 people there off and on thru the evening. We played pictionary on a giant chalk board. Use the White chalk people. Then we played a game called Battle of the Sexes. Neither the men nor the women were very good at it. I think the women finally won but not by much. Next we moved on to karaoke. Talk about a laugh. We had way too much to eat and started the new year off with a good time. More to come in 2010 I'm sure.

Cody wanted her bed in the worst way and decided if no one would get up she would just use them as her pillow.
Gizmo made friends with Katlin. But then she is a dog magnet.