Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter Concert

We went to Katlin's Winter concert last night. Mary, Donnie, Jeanine, Dan and I went. She didn't know Jeanine was coming so she was very surprised. We picked her up from practice and went to Texas Roadhouse to eat. Ummmm. Dan, Katlin, Jeanine and Donnie all had steaks. Mary and I had chicken. I have never eaten anything there that was not good. I could have been happy with the rolls and a salad. It was a nice evening. Interesting to note how much each group improved. I have to brag a little. Katlin was first chair in her group. They have a new teacher this year and although the kids really seem to like him, it didn't seem like the kids learned as much. I tried to download some video but it was too big and took toooooooo long. Sorry!!