Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 is over and what fun! Dan and Katlin went with me to candle light services at church Christmas Eve. The weather was frightful but inside was so wonderful and warm it was worth getting out in the cold. Shane Cindy and Kyann came Christmas morning. Wasn't sure how Kyann would be this year. Everyone was hoping she could stay awake and take part and she did. She unwrapped almost all of her presents and seemed to have a good time. She makes a jolly little elf and maybe next year she will grow into the hat.

This is her cleaning trolley from Gma. She liked it really well till we turned on the vacuum part and it was too noisy. But she did sweep and mop and used the vacuum hose for a gas hose to put gas in her car.

I got Katlin a double fiddle case and put her initials and a music note on it in hot pink and she really liked that.

Dan wanted a pasta maker and wanted me to change the dinner menu to include some kind of pasta he could make. Didn't happen but I am hoping to get invited to dinner some time soon for a pasta meal.

This is a Wood Duck house Dan made for Shane. Do not confuse this with a wood duck house. They are not the same thing!

One of the things Cindy wanted was a cake decorating kit that is a gun instead of a bag.

One Cookie. That is how we got Kyann to smile for our family picture. Everyone was smiling but Dan. But I know he can because I got a picture of him and Katlin for Christmas and he is smiling! Also got a picture of Kyann and one of Katlin, a bobbin winder and bobbin holder, new socks, hand towels for my bathroom, the game of Bezzerwizzer, a new recipe box, a Go Fish CD, and the promise of a hedge trimmer come spring. Everyone had a good time. Ate too much and had good traveling weather. We celebrated Shane's Birthday on Sunday before they went home. We got him a boat cover. And the Bears won so it was a bonus birthday gift for him.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gingerbread House 2010

Katlin and I again made a Gingerbread House. It turned out pretty good considering we were rushed to complete it.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Katlin's Christmas Program at Church

Went to Katlin's church Christmas program Sunday. She was in the choir and also in the orchestra. It was a very meaningful service. Dan was drafted to be a Shepard as one failed to show up. He is the one in green. Katlin thought he looked funny. He said everyone was envious of his costume cause where they had to wait before they came out on stage was cold and in his robe he was very warm. Some of the actors were barefoot or had sandals on. Don't remember anywhere in the Bible about tennis shoes but I could be wrong. Katlin hadn't gotten to practice with the others so they went early so she could run through it with them. She did a wonderful job and looked darn cute too.

She is growing up so fast. We had lunch and then went to the movies to see Yogi Bear. Pretty funny!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Katlin's School Christmas Program 2010

Dan and I went last night to Katlin's school choir program. They had been predicting freezing rain all day but roads were clear when we left. We had trouble finding the church. The last time we had been there it had been in the daylight and I had some directions. We could see it in the distance but couldn't seem to get there. If they hadn't had a star on top of their steeple we might still be driving around. Couldn't use Nigel cause it is a new church and isn't on map quest it just takes you to their old address. We made it with a few minutes to spare . I was watching for Katlin to come in and almost missed her. She looked so grown up and pretty until she smiled I wasn't sure it was her.

She is the one in the middle of this picture. The pictures weren't very good because it was so dark.

This is most of the group. They did a good job but was hard to hear. We left after her group finished and headed home trying to beat the snow. We almost did. Got almost to Washington before it got heavy but the roads weren't bad and it stopped before we got home. Glad I got to go.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Duppa 2010

We had Duppa Dec 11th at the Libertyville Community Center. It was Mary's turn to host. The weather was so iffy not everyone made it. Think we counted 32 total. We had a good time and as usual lots of good food. We had a little time before people started coming so I taught them a new card game called 99.

Dan, Jeanine and Lloyd played music for us while we played cards.

We had five little girls ranging in age from 5 to 4 months. Haylee seems quite tickled with Marley.

Since Mary was is charge this year she opted to play "Are you smarter than a Fifth Grader" Not to many of us were. Divided into 4 teams and took turns answering questions from "Jeff Foxworthy" (aka Larry). Mary kept score. I am proud to say I took my team to the winners circle. It was close between Team 1 and Team 4.

This is one group of players. I think Brianne might have had a slight handicap. But a really cute one. We played a couple of tables of 99 and one of Farkle after. The roads weren't too bad and the wind held off till we got home.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cookie Exchange/Domino Tournament 2010

The Cookie Party was hosted by Geri Lynn this year. We all got to tour her new house and decided it was perfect for them. There are so many personal touches that make it special for them. Jill catered the affair and the food was wonderful! She is a great chef. We ate snacks all morning and then had lunch of broccoli soup, chicken salad sandwiches and a yummy salad, banana cake and fondue for desert. This is a picture of the cookies before we had our exchange. They all look yummy! There were four newbies this year. Tiffany, Jeanine, Linda King and Linda Norton. I think everyone had a really good time. Geri had a concussion and probably should have cancelled or postponed the party. She was sure a trooper and had lots of help from Jill and Tiffany.

It was Miss Marley's first cookie party and she was as good as she could be and as cute as a button too!

These people look like they are concentrating really hard. And that is a crazy looking chicken foot. Thanks Geri. Next year it's Penny's turn.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ode to Cosmo

Cosmo, Katlin's Hermit Crab passed away today. He was a good crab and quite colorful as you can see. I had just made him a crab cozy for his cage. He was looking for a new shell when he passed. We will all miss him.