Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Katlin's School Christmas Program 2010

Dan and I went last night to Katlin's school choir program. They had been predicting freezing rain all day but roads were clear when we left. We had trouble finding the church. The last time we had been there it had been in the daylight and I had some directions. We could see it in the distance but couldn't seem to get there. If they hadn't had a star on top of their steeple we might still be driving around. Couldn't use Nigel cause it is a new church and isn't on map quest it just takes you to their old address. We made it with a few minutes to spare . I was watching for Katlin to come in and almost missed her. She looked so grown up and pretty until she smiled I wasn't sure it was her.

She is the one in the middle of this picture. The pictures weren't very good because it was so dark.

This is most of the group. They did a good job but was hard to hear. We left after her group finished and headed home trying to beat the snow. We almost did. Got almost to Washington before it got heavy but the roads weren't bad and it stopped before we got home. Glad I got to go.