Friday, February 18, 2011

Baby Dovico's Shower

Kim, Amber and Amanda F gave a baby shower for Sierra and Baby Dovico. Amanda C. made the cake and it was adorable! We met at La Hacienda for supper and played a couple of games.

Kim had spent a lot of time decorating and it looked very nice. I think they had about 40 people.

Lacey seamed to have a really good time. Watch out Tina she is a beauty!

Sierra was very grateful for all her gifts and she got some really nice stuff.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kyann Feburary 2011

I went to see Cindy, Shane and Kyann for a couple of days. Shane had a job interview and I got to babysit. I have tried several times to download some video of Kyann. She did so many cute things. But for some reason I can not get it to work so will just add a couple of pictures and tell you about how special she is. She can tap dance now with ruby red slippers (thanks Barbie). She can sing the entire alphabet. She has the most vivid imagination ever!! Knows numbers to 13. Knows all the sounds the letters make. Knows all the colors. Wow! She is growing up fast.

We played so many different things and had a good time. I was there on those really cold days when it barely got to 0 for a high. When I went to leave to come home. Shane said they would help me carry my stuff out but I said it was too cold I could get it but he insisted and gave Kyann my purse to carry while he got a couple of bags and I got the last one. Kyann was first in line and when I opened the garage door for her to go out she said "Holy cow it's cold!" She didn't go out either. She really is a smart cookie.

Looking forward to going back for her third birthday next month. Man where have those 3 years gone? And look at all that hair. That is definately a Kofron thing. My babies were bald!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Remnants of the Big Storm of 2011

It was a storm we will never forget. Oh that wind!!. Wouldn't you know it was my night to work. That's life. Had maintenance come pick me up and no farther than I live it was a harrowing ride. Dan plowed my drive and cleaned my sidewalks. But he forgot to scoop the inside of my garage. When I went to get my car out today there was a 2 foot drift inside my garage next to my car. That wind really was powerful. I was too lazy to go back inside and get my camera. You can see it even covered my mower.

Put our gingerbread house out for the birds and or squirrels. Hope they enjoy it. Come quickly spring!