Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kyann's Third Birthday

Do you believe it. Kyann is now three years old. Where has the time gone? I went up early to avoid bad weather (which never materialized) and help Cindy get ready for the parties. Kyann and I had fun playing. She is still playing on her slide I got her last year for her birthday. However she uses it differently now. We sent Snoopy and Woodstock down the slide several times. Once Donald got in on the action too. She has a vivid imagination.

She was really good for me and only got fussy at nap time. We played all over the house. (Oh those stairs and my knees)

She helped me make her cakes by licking the beaters for me. She called the cupcakes muffins. Muffins done yet? Muffins got to cool. I'm thinking she had heard that a time or two.

She didn't get it all in her mouth.

Here she is when we were singing Happy birthday to her. She blew her own candles out this year and seamed to have a good time at her party.

One of the things I got for her was a Mickey Mouse camper. She has been in our camper and she is still in love with Mickey and gang. Dan had gotten her some finger puppets and she would open the camper door and put them all (6) in side in a certain order and them open the camper and take them out and start again. Over and over.

Here she is with a couple of them on.

Here is is all dressed up for her first party with the Kofrons. Doesn't look like a baby anymore does she? Note her lady bug on her dress. The theme this year was a lady bug picnic.

Cindy came up with the theme and had a red table clothe. I cut some black dots out of felt. The table looked really cute with the plates cups and napkins all ladybugs. We had to have two cakes for two parties. In order to tell them apart they had different colored eyes. I think we had the green eyed one. I had also found the stuffed ladybug for her at Kohl's. We really had a theme going. One of the puppets Dan got for her was a lady bug and one of the shirts I got had lady bugs on it. Never do anything half way do we?

The cakes were really good. No one in our family likes black licorice but they now have chocolate licorice. Go figure. Tasted pretty good but was kind of hard to associate chocolate with the texture.