Saturday, August 25, 2012

Adam & Makayla's Wedding

 Went to my first Redneck Wedding.  I have never seen so much camouflage in my life!  You almost couldn't see people.  We actually had a good time.  Had been worried that it would be so hot sitting out in the sun, but God is good.  It clouded over and there was a nice breeze and couldn't have been any better.

The bridesmaids.  Come concern  over the dresses but went to plan B and  they fit right in with the hunter orange.

Rick was an usher and did a fine job along with Dan.  Didn't get a really good picture of the  flower girl Miss Marley.  She was so cute but then she is all the time.

Here comes the bride.  Her dress is unique and looks really good on her after a few alterations.
After the ceremony. Everyone looks relieved.  Larry wasn't feeling the best but made it through with flying colors. 
The card box and gift table.  The card box was the one I made for Cindy's wedding.  In camouflage of course.
They opted for cupcakes in stead of a traditional cake.(wrapped in camo liners)  Yummy.  Note the camo mints.  A first for the professional mint makers but turned out pretty good.
They had a little cake for them to cut and of course smear into faces.  All in all a perfect wedding for them.  It did  rain but not until after the actual romancer was over.  Some slow pokes had to hot foot it up the hill.  Hope for nothing but the best, Adam and Makayla!