Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lazy Afternoon

We decided to go to Waterworks and let the kids swim. It was a beautiful afternoon and no rain!!. It was nice for Barb to get out of the house and I think she enjoyed it too.

Katlin and Connor swam for almost 2 hours and seemed to have a lot of fun.
It was just nice to do nothing for a little while. Doesn't happen very often. There were a lot more people there than I thought there would be.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fiddle Camp 2010 #2

I finally got the viedo to upload. One is the contest and one is the square dancing.  Enjoy!

Fiddle Camp 2010

Katlin went to Fiddle camp again this year. Dan and I took her down on Sunday. I had mixed feelings about leaving her. But Mable wasn't renting rooms anyway so I couldn't have stayed. Of course she did fine except for not putting sunscreen on the day they went swimming and getting a sunburn. We took the camper down on Thursday after Dan got off work and found the campgrounds. The guy I talked to never showed up and since we were the only campers there we decided to camp at the edge of the tennis courts. They had had so much rain Dan was afraid to pull onto the grass. He had just gotten the new air conditioner installed and boy was that a good thing. It was hot and humid! (go figure) We watched the program Friday nite and I am trying to download some video but haven't had any luck so far. Katlin did very good at playing and a square dancing. Saturday we stayed for the fiddle contest. She wanted so bad to win a trophy but placed second. The Judges said it was very close and she did a good job but had a timing issue on one song. We are very proud of her.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Italian Art Walk

Went to All Things Italian Art Walk. What fun! Jeanine, Dan ,Katlin and I went. Had some really yummy lasagna for supper and walked around looking at all the exhibits. Watched a noodle making demonstration (with samples). This is one of the chalk drawings. There were some pretty awesome ones.

This is a chalk artist they imported from Italy for the occasion. He was amazing!! Saw lots of people I knew. Was fun to catch up with people.

This was Katlin's favorite thing. They posed for you to draw them. The problem was they only posed for a few seconds. Several people had cameras. I suppose they were going to work on the images later.
All in all a very fun evening. I had never gotten to go as was always working. Another good reason I am glad I retired.

Mary's 82nd Birthday

We went out for lunch for Mary's birthday. Went to Subway (her pick) Had a good time, good food and a few good laughs. This is the barn star Connie and I got for her. Hope she can get the Donald to put it up for her. Made a stop at the Bargain box to look around. Glad she is feeling better. Connie and I almost got the same card. We do that a lot. Maybe because we share a brain sometimes.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Katlin's 6th Grade Graduation

Thursday Katlin graduated from 6th grade. Cindy, Kyann, Dan, Amy and I went to watch. The program was very nice. Instead of the adults talking to the students, they got to give memories they had of Regina. Some had been there from kindergarten on. Some came later.Katlin had a part in the 6th grade memories. The theme was "Our Time to Shine". From the processional , "Go Light Your World" by Kathy Troccoli to the recessional, "Shine On" by Mercy Me. it was a very nice service. After the memories they showed baby pictures and current pictures of all the students.

This is Katlin and Dan after the service.

This is Katlin's whole class. There were three different groups.

After the service, the kids went to Mercer park (not far from the school) for a graduation party the parents put on. There were games like volley ball and dodge ball, a jousting game. This is Katlin jousting. Some kids danced to Wii, others played pool. At 11:30 they had pizza for all the kids and treats the parents had made. and at 12:30 they went swimming for an hour. All geared to make the day special for the kids. It was very nice.

The video is of Katlin jousting. Note the little one who sneaked in and had a great time. Didn't think Cindy was going to get her out.