Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fiddle Camp 2010

Katlin went to Fiddle camp again this year. Dan and I took her down on Sunday. I had mixed feelings about leaving her. But Mable wasn't renting rooms anyway so I couldn't have stayed. Of course she did fine except for not putting sunscreen on the day they went swimming and getting a sunburn. We took the camper down on Thursday after Dan got off work and found the campgrounds. The guy I talked to never showed up and since we were the only campers there we decided to camp at the edge of the tennis courts. They had had so much rain Dan was afraid to pull onto the grass. He had just gotten the new air conditioner installed and boy was that a good thing. It was hot and humid! (go figure) We watched the program Friday nite and I am trying to download some video but haven't had any luck so far. Katlin did very good at playing and a square dancing. Saturday we stayed for the fiddle contest. She wanted so bad to win a trophy but placed second. The Judges said it was very close and she did a good job but had a timing issue on one song. We are very proud of her.