Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bloomfield Bluegrass Festival 2010

Had a good time at the Bloomfield Bluegrass festival. Dan drove back and forth to work Tuesday through Thursday when he picked up Katlin and then stayed for the week end. I went down Wednesday afternoon. Jeanine stayed all week and Lloyd also drove back and forth. Mary and Donnie came Wednesday afternoon and Connie and Dennis camped at Fisher Lake and drove over each day. We went Garage saleing Thursday and Friday. Got some good buys especially on high chairs. GO CONNIE! We had to empty out my trunk on Thursday so we could keep going. We had some rain and some wind (although our camper slept through it) Thanks guys for catching and rescuing the easy up.

This is Katlin at the kids show on Saturday morning. She really nailed her pieces. Instead of trying to download a few seconds here, I decided to put it on youtube so you can hear one whole piece. If you go to Youtube music and then type in Gypsy Waltz. You have to scroll down and look for a picture like this. The video is really bad but the audio is really good. Take a listen. She did wonderfully!!

Cindy, Shane and Kyann came Saturday to hear Katlin and celebrate Dan's birthday. I didn't get any good pictures of her. Here she is playing with a tractor I got her at a garage sale. Love the boots!

We all ate as a group for supper. We must have had the longest table in the world. You could barely see the other end. Food was really good. We make out menus then divide them up so everyone makes just one thing ( but a lot of it). It's really easy for everyone. Think we had 25 for supper this night.

Here is Katlin and her friend Taylor. They were pretty much joined at the hip all week end. They played together along with Casey(can't think of his last name) as Rusty Strangs. Did a really good job. Katlin also did a guest appearance with Taylor's family band The Bluegrass Blondie's.