Sunday, October 3, 2010

Punkin Patch

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and we all met at Sass Family Farms near Riverside. This is part of their petting zoo. Some miniature goats. They also had a potbellied pig, a Shetland pony, some rabbits and geese and ducks and chickens. The goats were the only ones who actually allowed petting . So maybe they should just call it a little zoo?

We went on the hayride and the kids really enjoyed it. Kyann kept pointing at things. They had big round hay bales decorated as a spider and a pig. They had lots of cut outs of different things. A grave yard. On their pond they had the loch ness monster and a couple of fishermen who had stay out too long (they were skeletons)

They also had a few moving monsters. The "thing" in the middle of the picture was alive!

Kyann's favorite thing had to be the corn bin. It was like a big sand pile of corn kernels.

Katlin liked this too. She was almost buried alive!

Before Cindy's got there. Katlin and checked out the haunted barn and decided it was too scary for Kyann. It was a fun time. We bought a punkin for each of the girls and then went to Texas Roadhouse for supper.