Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Family Campout 2010

Our fall camp out had an Hawaiian theme this year. We started out Friday night with a Spam throw down. Spam being very big in Hawaii. We had escalloped potatoes and spam, several spam pizzas, spam enchiladas, hominy and spam, sweet potatoes and spam, pasta salad with spam, bacon wrapped spam with mustard sauce,
and spam won tons with duck sauce. Actually most of it was good. But then I like spam. Dan said if you couldn't taste the spam it was a winner. But actually Connie won the prize for the best dish by an unbiased group of voters (her family) She won a can of spam. Saturday we had our Hula lesson as you can see. I guess it was pretty funny.

This is a 4 generation picture of some of the Hula girls. Grandma Angie, Mama Kirby, Little Marley and Great Grandma Connie

We had a limbo contest, Connor John won that. We had our volcano lesson, as you can see the bright lava flowing down the side of the volcano.

Jeanine opened the coconuts for us with a drill, and we all tasted coconut milk. I could drink it if I were dying of thirst. One of the coconuts turned out to be a rotten coconut. Ugh!

We had a luau for supper Saturday night. We roasted a pig (aka pork roasts) in a pit. Dan had that honor. The other guys disappeared. He started about 1:30 and put some coals in the pit and covered it with some dirt and then put the meat in and covered it with more dirt and built a fire on top. He was just starting to dig it up here about 5:30.

This is what it looked like. kind of raw. New lesson learned must take a lot longer or have a much hotter fire. I think he was afraid it would burn if he got the fire too hot. He ended up finishing it on the grill. It was good once it got cooked.
We had music both nights and lots of laughs. The weather was good. Cool at night but nice in the day time. We are hoping for one more nice week end so we can do our hayride. Left Sunday afternoon about 2:00.