Monday, June 6, 2011

Meet Jolene

Meet Jolene Isabelle Ruiz.  She was 5 weeks old at her shower.  Look at that red hair!  She takes after her momma and her Grandpa Mike.  She was very good for her party and slept through most of it but woke up for pictures.
Here she is with momma.  See the resemblance.  I think she is one proud momma.                             
Miss Haylee and Miss Marley were a hoot.  Miss Haylee kept wanting to give Miss Marley hugs and kisses and Marley wasn't sure what was going on.  We had some good laughs with their antics.   They are only 3 weeks apart in  age.                                                                                                                          
Connie had the best games.  This one is smell the diaper.  No one did very well but we had a good time.  We also played Price is Right and Pass the Pascifer.   Good job Connie!                          
Jolene got lots of nice things.  This is the quilt I made for her.  I called it "Swim Said the Mama Duck".  She will be the best dressed little girl.
This is a four generation picture.  Great grandma Mary, Mom Jill, Little Jo and Grandma Geri.  We had lots of good food (when don't we) and a cake made by Amanda Campbell.  Click on the picture to enlarge it so you can really see.  Everyone thought it was cute and it was also very yummy!  Welcome Jolene to a crazy family!