Sunday, February 26, 2012

February with the Kofrons

Hadn't seen the Kofrons's since Christmas so decided to go spend a couple of days with them.  Kyann has kind of a fake smile after her bath. 
Here she is trying on a cake pan she was using for a hat.
She had been to her cousin Payton's wrestling meet and so she played wrestling the mama.  Too funny!
I think she liked it.  Even if she got pined.
Sunday it warmed up fast so decided to go out and build a snow man.  The whole family got involved.   Cindy made the bottom, Shane the middle and Kyann the head.
Here is the finished product. 
Playing in the snow.
I guess she got tired and decided the snow was softer to lay in than the  driveway.
Here is mister Snowman all dressed up.  We had a good visit and will be back for her birthday in a week.