Friday, March 2, 2012

Drois Jean's Birthday

Went to Donnelson today to celebrate Doris Jean's birthday.  We were going to eat at a church in town that only serves meals on Friday but found out it was only every other Friday.  And this was not the one!    Jean served a really good lunch, chicken  & biscuits, spinach salad, pea salad, cranberry salad and frozen cherry nut Oreo desert.  Everything was very, very good.  We felt bad that  she had to cook when it was her party day but to make it up to her we let her win at dominoes. I wish.  It started to snow about noon and wondered if the roads would get bad but they were only wet and we made it home fine.  I had to pick Katlin up at Washington at 5:15 but by that time it had quit snowing.  Fun day!