Tuesday, June 26, 2012

4 H Horse Show 2012

Our first 4-H horse show.  She had practiced long and hard and it paid off. Here she is before it started.
Katlin and Belle in the halter class.  She got a blue ribbon for this class.
Here she is riding Belle.  Blue ribbon.
 Driving a team.   Blue ribbon.
Goat tying was hilarious.   Katlin got to the goat and got it down and tied but it didn't stay tied for the 5 seconds.
Here she is tying it.  
She got to drive a team of Clydesdales. 
But the funniest part of the day was the costume contest.    We had decided since Belle was kind of blue colored Katlin would be Paul Bunyan and Belle would be Babe his blue ox.   So while Katlin was at fiddle camp I made some horns for Belle.  the problem was time was so short they didn't have time to try them out.  Couldn't figure a good way to make them stay put.  Poor Belle!  She din't know what to think.  I thought this picture was tooo funny!
As you can see the horns didn't stay too well but they made it around the arena.    Katlin ended up with 1 purple ribbon (the best you can get) for pole trot (that Belle is a good trotter), 10 blue ribbons, 1 red and 1 white.   Pretty good for her first time out.  We are very proud of our little cowgirl.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bethel Fiddle Camp

After we celebrated Father's Day we took Katlin to Bethel to fiddle camp.  I don't know if I have ever posted a picture of her room there.  but this is it.  We always have to go early so she can get the same room,  She is on the bottom bunk on the left.  The room holds 6 girls but this year camp was down and they only had two in her room .  Her and Sybil. so she was happy.  Only two of them had to share a bathroom.  She got some hot water for a change.
And here she is 2012 Jr. Bethel Fiddler.  Second year in a row!  I am going to try to post the video on you tube. She was a tired but happy camper.  I didn't get to go watch the program this year because I had had surgery on Monday but Dan taped it for me so I got to see it any way.    Way to go Katlin!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012

 We celebrated Father's Day before we took Katlin to Fiddle Camp this year.  Katlin had gotten him a shirt and socks but the really funny thing was  she gave him one hour of work (I can't see that ever happening).  He had given me 2 hours of honey do for my birthday at my request and she thought that was a pretty good idea.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Big 65

I started my big birthday, the one I've been waiting years for,  with coffee and donuts with my siblings.  We had good conversation and good donuts and lots of laughs.   After we were done Connie took me garage saleing  and that was lots of fun.    Saturday Dan, Katlin and I met Cindy Shane and Kyann in Washington for lunch and to celebrate.  We met at their really nice park.  I can't think of the name of it right now.  But had a family picture taken and  let Kyann play a little while.
 She was not in the best of moods but did manage to get a cute picture of her.  Then we headed up town to the Frontier restaurant for lunch.  On our way in we saw a flier for the circus and Dan talked Kyann into wanting to go.  So after lunch we stopped at HyVee to see if they had any discount tickets and headed to the Big Top.
They had a petting zoo.  Here is Katlin with the camel.
They had some kind of a Brahma bull who slobbered all over Katlin's hand   Here are some cute goats everybody liked to feed.   There was even a hippo but he was under water (lucky him) and didn't want to be petted I guess.
It was pretty hot that day and I thought I would probably die inside the tent.  But there was a really nice breeze blowing through and I had my PCD (personal cooling device) with me and that helped.  I didn't think I could sit for 2 1/2 hours with out something to lean on so we opted to pay a little extra and sit in chairs.  We had really good front row seats.  
The elephants were awesome.
The Motorcycle high wire act was right over our heads and very loud and stinky too.  
I thought it was a really good circus for a small town with good acrobats and tight rope walkers
Doesn't everyone want to go to the circus on their birthday?    I only had to wait 65 years to make it happen!  It was worth the wait!