Tuesday, June 26, 2012

4 H Horse Show 2012

Our first 4-H horse show.  She had practiced long and hard and it paid off. Here she is before it started.
Katlin and Belle in the halter class.  She got a blue ribbon for this class.
Here she is riding Belle.  Blue ribbon.
 Driving a team.   Blue ribbon.
Goat tying was hilarious.   Katlin got to the goat and got it down and tied but it didn't stay tied for the 5 seconds.
Here she is tying it.  
She got to drive a team of Clydesdales. 
But the funniest part of the day was the costume contest.    We had decided since Belle was kind of blue colored Katlin would be Paul Bunyan and Belle would be Babe his blue ox.   So while Katlin was at fiddle camp I made some horns for Belle.  the problem was time was so short they didn't have time to try them out.  Couldn't figure a good way to make them stay put.  Poor Belle!  She din't know what to think.  I thought this picture was tooo funny!
As you can see the horns didn't stay too well but they made it around the arena.    Katlin ended up with 1 purple ribbon (the best you can get) for pole trot (that Belle is a good trotter), 10 blue ribbons, 1 red and 1 white.   Pretty good for her first time out.  We are very proud of our little cowgirl.