Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Week end Macon Mo

We were invited to Ronnie and Mary Beth's place in Missouri for Memorial Day week end.  Mary Beth's brother , Timmy, puts on a barbecue every year.  We left after work on Friday and got there about 6:30.  By the time we got camp set up it was about 7:30.  We had brought food ready for supper but Mary Beth said they had food for us at her brothers.  So we went and had barbecue.  Their band, Keota, and KC and the Pickup Band joined forces and played for the crowd.  I don't know haw many people but would guess between 100 and 150.   The people just loved Katlin.  She was spot on and thrives on applause. 

Here are our campers and Louie's lone tent.
Ronnie brought their camper but the building with the red roof is their "cabin".  The middle is finsihed with a bathroom and kitchen and bunk beds. Both ends are like storage or garages.                        

Saturday morning there was a trail ride and Katlin and Sue decided to take part.  Dan had borrowed a horse from Mike but she wasn't tame enough for Katlin to ride so she rode Sue's and Sue rode Peanut.  Unfortunately Peanut decided he didn't want to be ridden and threw Sue off and ran away.  They got him corralled and although Sue was hurting pretty badly nothing was broken.  She was a real trooper.                                                            
We again played music at Ronnie's and while we were playing all these people showed up on their horses.  This picture doesn't do it justice.  The horses just went on forever.   

Again that night we went to Timmy's for another hog roast.  We all took side dishes and man was their a lot of food.  We listened to a one man band and Timmy's country band played.  We had a really good time all week end and the weather cooperated for the most part. It did rain (when doesn't it when we camp?) but mostly it was at night when it didn't matter.  It got hot the Sunday morning when we packed up to  go home.  But had a really good time.  Thanks Guys!                       

Monday, May 23, 2011

Women of Faith May 2011

Women of Faith was awesome again this year.  We had different participants but had a wonderful time.  We left at 7 A.M. Friday morning.  Cindy D. Diane B. Laura C. and I.  We met Laura's Sister Diane at Wells Fargo.  This year we had two Dianes . Last year we had two Amandas and we have had two Cindys.  The weather was drizzling outside but lots of sunshine and hope inside the car and in the arena.  Sheila Walsh and Dr. Henry Cloud were the Friday speakers.   I hope I never forget that I need some good monkeys in my cage.  Ask me sometime and  I will be glad to explain.  We all enjoyed the presentation.  Sometimes I think I learn more from the daytime teaching than from the rest of the conference.  We could not get rooms at the Quality Inn this year so stayed at the Marriott, but thanks to Diane W. we only had to walk back once.  She and Laura came and picked us up.  Thanks Diane.   We ate supper at the hotel and it was pretty good.  Not the best I've ever had but not the worst either.  This is not the best of picture but it is our group.  We had very good seats that came with a blessing and a curse. The blessing was they were front row so we had more leg room.  The curse was they were front row so we had to climb all the steps.  I should have counted but didn't.   All our knees were sore by the time we left.
Lucy Swindoll
Sheila Walsh
Nicole Johnson

They have split the original groups of speakers into two groups.  I guess the idea is to reach more cities in the amount of time they have.  But I  miss the old group.  They also had some new speakers.  One in particular touched every one's heart.  Her name is Angie Smith and her husband sings with the group Selah.  They had lost a baby daughter 3 years ago and it was just heart warming how they handled it.  If you get a chance look them up online.  She writes a blog (   I haven't had a chance to get there yet but I am sure it will be a good one to follow.   Of course we had to stop at the five and diner on the way home. That has become a tradition for us  No one was ready for the week end to end.  It seams to go so quickly.  Until next year.   

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Family Campout 2011

We had our semi anual campout last week end.  The theme for this one was renaissance. We started the week end with a potluck on Friday night.  It was a pretty soggy day but stopped long enough for us to eat supper and to play some music around the camp fire. Saturday dawned bright and sunny.  Our first activity was to make hats.  You will see some of them in the pictures.  The men made Robin Hood hats and the women either wreaths or cone hats.  I have no idea what they are called.We had some really good costumes.  Here are the serving wench (me), the sexy wench (Cindy), The Lady in Waiting (Katlin) and the Lady (Sue). 
This is Mary.  She is suppose to be Friar Tuck but looks more like Rasmusion .  She was one hot monk.  I mean litterally.  The costume was warm and it got pretty warm in the afternoon.

This is Sir Dan and his Lady Sue.

Here is Connie she kind of looked like a scorcess.  Even Miss Marly got into the act.

Miss Kyann wasn't feeling her best and this is the only picture I have of her.
Our next activity was a jousting match.  We rode stick horses and used swimming noodles as the jousting pole.  It was pretty funny.  We had dipped the end of the noodle in flour so we would know who made the first strike.  No hitting below the belt.  Dan and Connor were the first.  Poor Connor lost his hat he got hit so hard. 
Mary and Kirby were pitted against each other Not sure who one that match but I would say Kirby cause Mary is laughing so hard.
Even little Miss Marley liked that game.

Our next game was throwing the javalin through the hoop.  Here Jeanine and Sue are competing.
Angie used her artistic talents and drew us a picture of the bad Sherrif of Nottingham for our final game of archery.   Poor Conner happened to be sitting behind the target and almost got hit several times.

Kirby looks like a cupid and Katlin like she might know what she is doing.  Lloyd was the big winner in this game hitting the target with all three arrows.
We had some good times around the camp fire.  Played some music.  Made fire pies.  This is Kirby with her first attempt at a fire pie.  And Lloyd with a smore with the biggest marshmellows I have ever seen.  We had a really good time in spite of the weather.  Katlin wore gum boots all week end.  I'm not sure if she had them under her formal or not.  Was afraid to look.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cindy's Birthday Party

We went to Cindy's on Saturday the 7th to celebrate her birthday.  Dan and I drove up and picked Katlin up on the way.  We grilled some burgers for lunch then made homemade peanut butter ice cream for supper and grilled some chicken.  Cindy always wants angel food cake (which Dan doesn't care for but then she doesn't like his choice German chocolate cake either) Kyann really liked Angel cake as she called it.

This is one of the shirts I got her.  I had looked and looked for a bike seat so she could give Kyann a ride too but was not able to find one.   Dan and Katlin got her the helmet and the Kofrons got her a new bike.  

Every year on Mother's day Cindy and I  take a picture  together.  Her Mother's day card to me was past pictures of us.  What a hoot!  I have really aged.  Not sure what years they were but Dan thought my lipstick was pretty funny.  Probably cause I rarely wear it any more.  And in the first two I wasn't wearing glasses.  I can't remember when I started wearing them all the time.  The kids went together and got me a stand for my bass. which I really wanted.   On the way home we had a close encounter with a deer.  So so close to do any damage but close enough to get my heart pumping. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Connie's Birthday

 We celebrated Connie birthday a few days early as it comes on Mother's Day this year and since Barb's will be here didn't think Mary could get away.  They came to my house to get costumes ready for our family camp out in a couple of weeks.  We made Robin Hood hats for the guys and pointy princess hats for the women.  Planned our menus and then went out to eat.  Connie got to choose and we went to Johnnies up town.  Food was good and the company even better.   Mary had to leave early to go to Des Moines for a part for her stove.  Mary got her a new nightie and I got her a goony bird garden ornament and a grow your own basil jar.   Happy Birthday Sis!