Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Family Campout 2011

We had our semi anual campout last week end.  The theme for this one was renaissance. We started the week end with a potluck on Friday night.  It was a pretty soggy day but stopped long enough for us to eat supper and to play some music around the camp fire. Saturday dawned bright and sunny.  Our first activity was to make hats.  You will see some of them in the pictures.  The men made Robin Hood hats and the women either wreaths or cone hats.  I have no idea what they are called.We had some really good costumes.  Here are the serving wench (me), the sexy wench (Cindy), The Lady in Waiting (Katlin) and the Lady (Sue). 
This is Mary.  She is suppose to be Friar Tuck but looks more like Rasmusion .  She was one hot monk.  I mean litterally.  The costume was warm and it got pretty warm in the afternoon.

This is Sir Dan and his Lady Sue.

Here is Connie she kind of looked like a scorcess.  Even Miss Marly got into the act.

Miss Kyann wasn't feeling her best and this is the only picture I have of her.
Our next activity was a jousting match.  We rode stick horses and used swimming noodles as the jousting pole.  It was pretty funny.  We had dipped the end of the noodle in flour so we would know who made the first strike.  No hitting below the belt.  Dan and Connor were the first.  Poor Connor lost his hat he got hit so hard. 
Mary and Kirby were pitted against each other Not sure who one that match but I would say Kirby cause Mary is laughing so hard.
Even little Miss Marley liked that game.

Our next game was throwing the javalin through the hoop.  Here Jeanine and Sue are competing.
Angie used her artistic talents and drew us a picture of the bad Sherrif of Nottingham for our final game of archery.   Poor Conner happened to be sitting behind the target and almost got hit several times.

Kirby looks like a cupid and Katlin like she might know what she is doing.  Lloyd was the big winner in this game hitting the target with all three arrows.
We had some good times around the camp fire.  Played some music.  Made fire pies.  This is Kirby with her first attempt at a fire pie.  And Lloyd with a smore with the biggest marshmellows I have ever seen.  We had a really good time in spite of the weather.  Katlin wore gum boots all week end.  I'm not sure if she had them under her formal or not.  Was afraid to look.