Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Family Campout 2011

Banana anyone?

What fun our fall camp out was.  We had a circus theme and everyone got into the act (pun intended).  Friday nite was cold and windy and cloudy, but Saturday (although it started cold) turned out great.   The fun started when Jeanine and Lloyd (who had gone home in the morning to work on the house) came back about one in full costume and everyone else was still in our regular clothes.   We were kind of waiting on some that were running a little late.   I wanted really bad to tell them we had changed our minds but I couldn't be that cruel.  We all got dressed up and then the fun really started. 

Yummo Cotton Candy

Big Cat Man

Charm that snake!
Just clowning around

Siamese Twins

Wolf Boy

World's Largest Hillbilly Midget

The Magnificent Donald and his Tiger

Wanta be juggler

This big cat got away!

A couple of the big cats

Jessie the trick rider and the fortune teller


We had several games, duck pond, bean bag toss pop the balloon , golf ball toss game ( I don't know what it is called), and face painting by Angie. Everyone won prizes (candy). Then we had treats, funnel cakes (yummo), lemonade, popcorn, cotton candy and peanuts.  We had a lot of fun.                                                                                       
For supper everything had to be on a stick like at the fair.  We had some really inventive food and all of it was quite yummy.  Everyone wants to do this again.  We will see we have lots more ideas.  We will see what   the spring camp out brings.  We seem to have more fun at each one than the last.                        
We had some music around the camp fire. and by that time the camp fire felt good!!!

It was a good fire but not a Dennis fire.