Sunday, October 30, 2011

Flordia Vacation Days 3 & 4

Sunday morning we had to be at our presentation at 8:30 in the morning.  We show up and there were some other people there.  A lady came out to get us and  told us it was her first day on the job and she was really nervous.  It turned out to be  like a time share only they had a different name for it.  We told her straight up that we were not interested and were not going to buy anything and she said ok but I have to do the presentation.  To make a long story short our 1 hour presentation turned into a 2 1/2 hour hard sell for  their vacation homes.  I was about in tears.  Everyone kept saying wasn't it a good deal and didn't we want to join and we kept saying no but they just wouldn't listen.  Finally we escaped and headed for the ship.  with our VIP pass in hand.  We got to the pier, paid for valet parking and  went to board the ship.  Guess what!  No lines!  Our VIP pass and the 2 1/2 hours "presentation" was for naught!  We boarded easily with no problem.  They served us a really good lunch.  We couldn't get in our room until 2:00 but just walked around the ship and looked at things.  Then it began to rain a little.  Then a lot. 
We finally go into our room and found we had a queen size bed.  But we decided to take the ship tour and look around some more.  We got a newsletter to find out what was happening and went to watch them play bingo.  We had to change for dinner in the Crystal Dining room.   so we did that and went to eat.  We still hadn't left port.  I will say the food was really good and plentiful.  You got 5 courses and they were all good.    When we were almost done with supper we finally left port.  and as soon as we did you could feel the rocking and rolling!   After supper we went to the View(their theater area ) to wait for the show.  They were playing bingo again.  The longer we sat there the sicker I got.  Finally about 8 we went back to the room thinking if I laid down it would be better.  We met Victor (our steward) in the hall and had him make the bed into twin beds for us.  I was so sick I  just wanted to die.  Connie said she felt better when she laid down and closed her eyes but it just made the room spin for me.  So I sat from 8 to 2 with my head in the waste basket.  Finally either the seas calmed down or I just couldn't hold my head up any longer so I laid down and slept until about 6.  We had to meet for our tour at 8 so got around and went to breakfast.  Wasn't sure if I could eat but just had some toast and milk nothing to upset my stomach.  We went to meet with our group.                                                                              
They took us by bus to the Jeep place.  This was our jeep.  No we didn't drive.  We rode with a couple from Arizona.  Dennis and Kelly.  We told Dennis he could drive Miss Daisy and Miss Marigold.  Even though it was raining off and on we wtill got to do all the things they had planned.  We first went to the beach.  You can see how angry and wild it looks.  It was raining pretty good here                                    

Next we went in to the forest.  Our guide JoJo was very informative.  Her degree was in anthropology and archeology.  Why she was doing the guide thing I don't knowbut she was really fun and easy to listen to.  Here is one story she told us.  It sounds true to me but will let you decide.   It seams years ago in England they had no way to get rid of horse manure.  So someone decided to ship it to the colonies.  So they boxed it in wooden crates and loaded it into the  bottom of the ship.  But for some reason ( if you are a farmer you might be able to guess where this is going)  the ships kept catching fire and  sinking.  Finally some one decided the manure was spontanious combustion and causing the fires.  So they put a label on the crates that said Ship High In Transit. or Shit for short.   What do you think?  I bought it. 

Our next stop was this cave which they call the blue hole of the island.  You went down these steps.  Mind you is is still raining. But it was very interesting and she talked quite alot about the Eco system.


Inside the cave

This program is acting up so I am not sure what pictures are going to show up on the site.   We went from the cave to the beach for a lunch.  I thought we were suppose to have conch salad but we had lunch meat sandwiches instead.  .  There  was a whole family of raccoons that kept begging for food and people would toss them a crust of bread.  (maybe that is why we didn't have salad.  Maybe the raccoons don't like salad) I waded out and had Connie take a picture and right after she took it a big wave came in and got me wet clear up to my thighs.  Eventually dried off and we headed back to their base.  It was a fun day.  We did a little souvenir shopping before boarding the ship.    Went back and got cleaned up and went to the View to see what was going on.  They were just starting to play Family Feud and we got drafted to play.  Out team won.  It really was fun.   We won water wallets.  ????  We we went back to our room to change for supper this is what we found on the bed.  It really startled me.  And I think it was kind of creepy.  I guess Victor made it for us. 

Supper was again really good.  We sat with a older lady named Barb.  If you want to know anything about her just ask me.  I can tell you her life story from age 5 on.  She did not require much response from anyone. Connie and both took Dramamine just to be on the safe side but  the seas we pretty calm leaving the Bahamas.  We went to watch the entertainment but Connie fell asleep watching the comedian and he made fun of another lady that fell asleep  and I hadn't slept the night before so we went back to the room about 9 and went to bed.  I went right to sleep but a 2:30 we hit rough waters again.  Not as bad as the night before but you could definitely feel it.  Connie never woke up.  I just dozed until the alarm went off.