Saturday, October 1, 2011

Tim and Lauren's Wedding

This is about Tim and Lauren's Wedding and these two were not part of the wedding party but they were so cute I had to include them.  Miss Marley is such a dolly.  There were lots of little ones at the wedding and they were all pretty good. 
Andrew was so cute in his little suit and tie.  They had slicked down his hair but you can still really see the curls.                                                           
Hayden and Grace were so cute too.  They really did a good job of being flower girl and ring bearer.
This is Lauren and her dad.  She looked very beautiful.  Katlin loved her dress and shrug.
Here they are Mr and Mrs.  They look pretty happy.  The wedding was in the old church in Bentensport. and the reception was at the hotel in Bonaparte.
There was a cocktail hour with appetizers from 6 to 7 and then we went up to the third floor (oh those steps) for the reception.  It was a very nice place and was decorated very nicely.  The food was wonderful and I think everyone had a good time. Tim's kids sang again and I think everyone was impressed with them. 
Kyann wanted to dance and party really badly but couldn't wait for the real party to start.  She got out on the dance floor and strutted her stuff.  Then they had to go home cause she was tired.    
Here Dan and Sue are dancing.  But I think my favorite to watch was Hayden.  He just put his little heart into it and had a wonderful time.