Thursday, November 3, 2011

Flordia Vacation Day 7 Sea World

Wednesday night when were were coming home from Epcot there was a message on the car to check the tire pressure.  That it was low.  Well we were not about to do anything then.  We were tired and just glad to be back to the hotel.  We asked at breakfast were a gas station was that would check our tires and the waitress said there was a Walmart not too far away and they would do it.  So we programed Becky and set off to find Walmart.  This was the only time Becky let us down.  She took us to a mobile home park.  I don't know if there used to be a Walmart there or if she just wasn't awake yet but we stopped at a gas station and got a little gas and asked there.  It was only a couple of miles further down the road so we went and they put air in all the tires for nothing.  He was very nice.   We gave Becky another chance  and programed her for Sea World and this time she didn't let us down.  We got there shortly after 9.
This picture really had nothing to do with any thing but thought it was a cool picture. 
We had learned our lesson at Epcot so we made reservations for lunch on the way in.  Got a schedule and headed off.  We were going to try to see all the shows we could.  We stopped by Discovery Cove on our way to the dolphin show.  You could pet a dolphin but we didn't.  We went and got our seats for the show and it was fantastic. 
Besides the dolphins they had acrobats, high divers birds.  It was just wonderful what they could make the animals do. 
The costumes and scenery were pretty amazing too. As you can see it was a little overcast with a nice breeze.  Perfect weather for me.
We enjoyed this show a lot and it would be hard to beat.
We decided to do the Penguin Encounter before heading to the next show.  It was neat but they had a moving sidewalk and  unless you could run in place (which I can't) you couldn't spend much time there.   The penguins were cute though.
This is a Puffin and they were pretty cute too.
The next show we went to was Clyde and Seamore take Pirate Island.  It was with seals and a walrus.  This guy came out before the show started and he was hilarious!  We would mimic people behind them.  They had no idea he was there and the audience would laugh and they had no idea why.   He would show  people to their seats only take them clear out of the arena.  He even got on a scooter with and old lady and gave her a ride.  He was better than the show.                                                                                                     

Look at the size of that walrus! 
Then we were on to the big show.  Shamu!  No one actually got in the water with the whales but they did have them out on this platform.  This was the smallest and they just kept getting bigger. 
This is Shamu.  He or she ( not sure on that) was the biggest whale. Connie and I chose not to sit in the splash zone but let me tell you those who did got WET!  15 rows of them. 
After that show we went to our lunch reservations.  We only waited a few minutes.  We ate at the Sharks Underwater Grill.  Again very limited menu but the food was really good.  And to sit that close to the fish was unbelievable.  Sharks swam by all the time. 
After lunch we went the shark encounter.  They had lots of really cool fish like this one. 
Then you went through an underwater tunnel. (again with the moving sidewalk).  But it was really neat.
Big sharks, sting rays all kind of fish all around you.  It was cool!
Our last show of the day was Pets Ahoy.  It was funny.  They used rescued animals and trained them for the show.  They had dogs, cats, (how do you train a cat?), ducks, a pig, a rat.  It was a neat show.   One of the funnies things was a hot dog cart on stage and at one point the door opened and out came 4 little wiener dogs. 
This was the end of the show when they brought a lot of the animals out on stage together.   The park closed at 6 but we left a little before that.  Too old for two long days.   This was probably my second favorite thing on vacation