Friday, December 16, 2011

The Christmas Carol

Friday night Cindy and I went to see Katlin in her play at the Coralville Center for Preforming Arts.  It is kind of like our Sondheim Center.  The play was very good.  and there weren't any bad seats in the place.  We had a couple with tow little girls sit behind us and the little girl who sat behind me kept kicking my seat.  Her Dad would tell her to quit and she would do it again.  I didn't turn around to see them but Cindy did and thought she was about 5.  After the play started she kept talking to her dad in a stage whisper.  They had evidently brought candy to keep them quiet but the rattling wrappers were so loud you couldn't hear.  I guess people kept giving them dirty looks and shhh's and not too long into the play they got up and left.    Can't say I was sorry but that was a lot of money wasted. The first picture was of Marley and Scrooge.

This is the scene at the Fezziwig's party.  Katlin did a good job and looked 23 instead of 13! 
 This is the Cratchit family with the ghost of Christmas Present.  Tiny Tim was played by a girl.  Katlin thought that was really funny!
This was the ghost of Christmas Future.  You can barely see him.  Only his hands.
When the play was over and they were ready to take their bows.  Katlin was the first one to come out.  Then she played for all the rest to come forward and bow.  Amy said she was so surprised the first night when she came out and people applauded for her.    She is a funny girl..