Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kyann's Preschool Christmas Program

Thursday night we went to Kyann's Christmas Program for Preschool .  Here she is walking down the isle.  She seams pretty happy here. 
She was the one everyone watches during a little kids program.  She sat down on the stage.  Wouldn't always sing the songs.  Pulled her dress over her head.   They sangs several songs with the 4 year olds.  Then the three's did the story of Jesus's birth with a flannel board.  Kyann put Joseph up.  She did a good job with that. 
The program is almost over and she is done!  The little girl sitting beside her is Riley one of her best friends. Right after I took this Riley reached over and hugged Kyann trying to comfort her.     Cindy and Shane took her for a walk around the church trying to get her calmed down and when they came back she was fine.
She was surprised to see Tori and Peyton there.  Here she is with her cookie and milk.
This is another friend Chyenne.  All in all she did pretty good for her first time.   And we will always remember it.