Saturday, May 12, 2012

Elizabeth's Graduation

I left Cindy's Thursday morning and drove to Serena, Illinois for Liz's graduation.  Kathy came over to Peg's to see me Thursday afternoon and stayed for supper and to visit.  She only brought one of her babies but Peg's two made her feel welcome.  Me too for that matter.  The wanted to snuggle all the time.  I didn't realize that they had a cat until in the night Thursday when I got up to go to the bathroom and left my bedroom door open and when I came back I happened to see this dark shadow heading for the door.  I opened it and let her out.  Muffin I think was her name.
Peg and Brian have a really nice place.  The patio and yard are huge!     I took this so you could see her Clematis.  It was beautiful!  She had started her container garden again this year and looked pretty good.  Still had some planting to do.  Friday morning Peg took me to see Kathy's house.  It is just right for one person.  Not too small that you feel cramped but not so big you don't know what to do with all of it.  We went to see David's house too (they all live fairly close).  It was amazing.  David had built it himself and Julie did a great job of decorating it.   We left at three to drive down to Normal and pick Liz up and go to supper.  Kari and Sid met us at the restaurant.  It was called Distil  it was a microbrewery. The food was really good.  I had a dish called grilled stuffed pasta.  Yumo!
 After we ate Liz opened her cards and gifts.
Peg had showed me what they got for her.  When Liz was about 8 Shirley had written down a story she used to tell Liz when she was little  complete with art work and  given it to Liz.  Peg had had that made into a real story book and used Shirley's artwork to illustrate it. That is what she is crying about here.   It was really neat.
Some pictures after supper.  Brian, Peg, and Liz.
The whole crew.  Sid grabbed someone waiting in line to take the picture.
Here she is in her cap and gown.
This was the processional.  We figured there were around a thousand graduating that night.  They had already had one ceremony in the afternoon and were to have 2 on Saturday and one on Sunday.  Illinois State is a big school!
Here is my Where's Waldo picture.  Can you find her.  I was glad to be able to be a part of her special day.  It was kind of bitter sweet for Liz.  Ending one phase and starting another.  I know she will be able to do what ever she sets her mind to.