Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mall of America Days 3 & 4

Day three started out with a good breakfast at the hotel.  Some of us had lucky charms and peanut butter toast.  Some of us didn't.  We left to go to the aquarium thinking it would be most of the day but Kyann wasn't really interested.  She wasn't bad or whiny she just wasn't interested.   
These are chocolate chip star fish.  Really cool!  We got to touch them .  Kyann wasn't interested in them either.  
The jellyfish and the sea horses were my favorites.  They were pretty awesome.  They had a really good display of both.

The sharks were pretty scary.
But the "Dude".  Man he didn't even look real and he just hung there for the longest time.  It was soooo neat!

Another shark.  I'm sure it had a name but I forget it.   After we were done we decided to go the the mirror maze.
It is all done with mirrors and you had to wear plastic gloves (even Kyann) so you wouldn't leave fingerprints on the mirrors and show someone else the way out.
 We tried several times but coming back to the beginning.  We stuck out head out and asked the kid in charge what we were doing wrong and he said well there are some land marks like the fire works ( we found them every time but they didn't' help us)
We finally gave up and went out the entrance.  Hope I never get lost in the woods.  We headed out for lunch with a couple of stops on the way at the Lego Land and the Disney store.
From there we went to the Rainforest Cafe  for lunch.  It was really good and had a Build  A Bear right in it.  Cindy said they were trying it out in a couple of cities.

After lunch we went back to the rides for a while and Cindy and Kyann rode the Ferris Wheel.  No more log rides.
We decided we had had enough Mall and had a DQ for a snack and head back to the hotel.  Cindy and Kyann went swimming for a while and I rested.  We went to TGIF's for supper and it was really good too.  Lots of good food this trip.    Our idea for Thursday was to go to Fort Snelling but they were forecasting rain and cold, so we thought maybe we would just go for a swim in the morning and maybe stop at the Little Brown Church on the way home.  So after breakfast we came back to the room and we couldn't get in.  Cindy went back down to have them re-key our card and came back and it still wouldn't work. She had to go back a third time and brought the manager back with her with new key cards and then they worked.  We loaded up the cart (which Kyann loved to ride. better than the rides at the mall I think) and went out to the car.  It was so cold!  Windy but sunny.  We got loaded up and started home about 8:45.  We didn't have any trouble but ran into rain in Iowa.  We made a few potty stops and stopped for lunch at Applebee's in Waverly and  got to Cindy's about 2:45.  Not too much traffic coming home.  I rested a little while and headed home.  Stopped in Washington and got a few groceries and made it home safe and sound.   Good times.