Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sisters/Daughters weekend

This was our sisters/daughters weekend. This year we stayed pretty close to home and went to Pella. Here we are at the start of our adventure.

Believe it or not we went garage selling when we got there. No one found much but had fun anyway. Then it was time for lunch. We ate at a little cafe on the square. Don't remember the name but the food was good. We all had one of the daily specials, Chicken tortilla soup and chicken salad on croissant. Then we went looking around all the shops. Of course the bakery was high on our list of things to do and places to go. ( Dutch letters Yum) Then we went to tour the windmill and the historical village (I didn't know they had a historical village). We all found it very interesting. While we were up in the windmill, they started putting on the canvas to make the blades move. It was way cool. Scary for me being height challenged. I couldn't believe how high the man went.

He was very informative and interesting.

This is the view from the top. Obviously not taken by me.

In the windmill there is a miniature

Dutch village. It was really neat. Different scenes from Dutch life through all the seasons. Everything was complete to the laundry hanging on a line . You were told to walk like good Dutch children with your hands behind you back but I was a rebel and just took pictures.

We then went to the historical village. This is Connie pouring tea for Mary into a wooden shoe.

Connie and Angie had to try the cut outs.

Mary and I were not to be out done so we did it too but were laughing so hard we almost couldn't get our faces in. Kind of the tone for the day.

Mary and Angie in the stable. Mary is trying to pick the horses nose while Angie keeps him happy.
The village was very interesting and Wyatt Earp has some connection to Pella or at least they are claiming that. They have his house filled with pictures and mementos of Mr. Earp. He lived to be in his 90's. Connie thought he died at the OK corral.

Next we went to tour the Scholte House pictured here. It was interesting too but not as much as the village. They had some really neat quilts.

This was a beautiful desk with lots of inlaid wood. The family had received it as a gift.

One of the quilts. It was made from the clothes of lady of the house Mariah (pronounced Maria)

There is a garden out back with some cool statues and beds and beds of tulips. I'm sure it would have been breath taking the week before at the tulip festival. Of course they were 99.9% gone.

By this time we were tired of walking but Connie thought we couldn't get into our B&B until 5 so we paid a visit to the dollar store and then went back and sat on some of the benches and played the junior edition of trivial pursuit (we sucked at that). This is our B &B called the Cloverleaf. It was nice but filled with antiques which are beautiful but not very comfortable when you want to sit down and rest. We had refreshment of Pella Bologna and the thinest sliced cheese you ever saw and crackers.

This was the upstairs bathroom. It was a claw foot tub in the middle of the room and there were two windows opposite. I guess because the walls were sloped they had to put it there but odd don't you think?

This was Connie and Angie's room. I guess I didn't get a picture of Mary and my room because we changed rooms at the last minute. We opted for the downstairs bedroom because the stairs were pretty steep and neither one of us like to do stairs.

We went to a place called Kardelas for supper. It is a Greek/Italian restaurant. I would highly recommend it! The food was very good. Here we are playing games after dinner. We laughed so hard we were all exhausted. Ask Mary to hum for you. Had a really good breakfast of Orange French toast, sausage, fresh fruit, juice and coffee. The lady who ran the place was not the most friendly proprietor we have had but we had a really good time and can't wait for next year.