Saturday, July 31, 2010

Memphis Trip

Well again Blogger has changed their format so I guess I will do this one day at a time. This may be kind of disjointed. Starting with the final two days.  We drove from Memphis to Murfreesboro Friday and checked into our B & B.    It was very nice and Karen was very friendly.  Here are Dan, Katlin and Connor swimming in the pool.  They really liked it cause it was deep and they could jump in.  Dan and Connor had a cannon ball contest.  Not sure who won but think it was Connor.  This picture was taken from our balcony with stairs leading down to the pool.

They were nice enough to use two blow up mattresses so we could all be in one room.  Connors is the one to the right and mine is the one with the blue blanket.  It was a very long night.  The mattresses had a pillow made into them and so was impossible to sleep any way but on your back.  My feet hung off the end and Dan and Katlin said I snored like a freight train,  Possible as my neck was pushed forward and I could hardly breathe. 

Dan and Katlin slept in the king sized bed but Dan said it sloped to the outside and was not the best bed.

This is the outside.  It really was very nice.  Fresh cookies and brownies. They even had a tanning bed you could use if you wanted. 

We got up early (for this bunch anyway) 7:30 and went to have breakfast at Buddy's Ranch house.  It was included in the  B & B and was very good.  Then off to the diamond fields.  We got there about 9 and the parking lot was already pretty full.  The B & B had equipment you could use  so we had two screen sets and a shovel.  We had brought our own bucket and trowels.  We kept to the edge cause there was some shade there. and worked until noon and decided all the diamonds were hiding for the day and took off for home.  We drove to Springdale Arkansas where Teresa met us for the evening.  Went to the Chicken House for supper and then let the kids swim for a while.  Grandma rested.  We stayed at a Double Tree Motel.  It was very nice and were running a week end special. Slept much better that night.  No neck cramps.  Up at the crack of 9:30 on Sunday for the trip home. We left about 11:00. It was about 8 hours of nothing much but driving.  The kids had watched all their movies so was a long day for them.  We dropped Connor off about 6:30 and headed on home.