Thursday, July 29, 2010

Memphis Trip

These pictures all all mixed up and I am having trouble figuring out how to get them to the right place. Anyway we started Thursday off at the Mud Island River Park. We rode a monorail to the Island. The kids thought that was pretty neat. Then we went to the museum. It tells the history of the river at Memphis. There are all kinds of wax figures representing different people of the river. They have one section that is like a paddle boat, one like a civil was army boat,one like a new river boat with radar. There are sound effects with some . It also had once section on the music of the river with old instruments like the one in the picture. Real "bones", a bottle neck slide and a cigar box fiddle. It took you through the ages up to Elvis and BB King. There was an escalator that had no steps! InterestingThis is the inside of one of the boats. Outside there was a scale model of the Mississippi River. It started in Minnesota (where we were last year) and went to the Gulf of Mexico. It is graded so the "river" actually flows. We made it all the way to the Gulf and guess what? No tarballs! Lots of Mayflies though. We had to stop once for me to rest and cool off. Then headed to our second Bar-B-Q place. This one was called Central Bar-B-Q and was quite different than the first. It was definitely in a better part of town. There was a chain link fence all around the building with barbed wire on the top. Kind of like a prison. Dan said it was to keep people from stealing the smoker. You could really smell the Bar-B-Q as soon as you got out of the car. Do you remember the episode of Seinfeld about the soup Nazi? That is kind of what it was like. There was a billboard when you came in with all these rules. 1. Know what you want to order! 2. Don't for get your number! I can't remember the rest but their were several more. I was afraid to order and wouldn't you know I was last and had to remember the number. Go figure!. The food was good and after you ordered it was OK. Next we were off to Graceland!