Friday, July 30, 2010

Memphis Trip

We left Memphis Friday morning with a change of plans.  I had planned to go to the Metal museum but Dan thought the kids would like the Indian Mounds in Murfreesboro better so we headed out.  It was to be 102 with heat indices of 110-115 Friday so were glad to be out of the big city.  Not that is was cooler temperature wise but at least you were where the breeze could hit you.  We drove on Interstate 40 (never use this road) to Little Rock then headed south on 55.  Just outside Little Rock Dan saw a sign for a 100 foot buffet.  We laughed about it but little did I know the lure was too great for him.  When we came to it  we had to stop..  Would highly recommend it.  Browns 100 foot buffet.  The foot was very good maybe home cooked.  Lots of southern dishes, greens, fried green tomatoes, hush puppies, cornbread, really good fried chicken.  We filled up and and took off again.   Got to Murfreesboro and went to the Ka-Do-Ha Indian mounds.  There were five excavations.  The picture is a Buffalo kill.  The museum explained how the mounds were formed.  They also had a field you could hunt for arrow heads.  I went in to look at the museum/gift shop while everyone else hunted.  Dan actually found an arrow head.  It was pretty interesting.  To the B & B and then when to Buddy's Ranch House for supper.  Buddy's is one of those places where every one can sign the walls, furniture any thing you could find.  We all did that and went to the B & B.  The kids swam and I rested for a while.  Ready to hunt those diamonds!!