Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Memphis Trip

Day two started our trip from Perryville to Memphis. It was about a 3 hour drive. This is a shot of the Pyramid as we were coming into Memphis. It is quite impressive and quite blinding when the sun shines on it. It was about lunch time when we got there and we used Nigel to find our first Bar-B-Q restaurant. It was called the Cozy Corner and it was not in the best part of town. But it has a five star rating so we tried it. When we went in I recognized the owner from the Internet. She was sitting on a bench. We placed our order and went to sit down. As we were eating our ribs the owner came walking by to talk to someone in a booth behind us and she had a 9mm gun strapped to her hip. Now this lady has to be in her seventies but I'm guessing not too many people mess with her. We were definitely in the minority there but really never felt uncomfortable.

Next we went down town and walked around Beale Street. It was pretty interesting and I am sure at night was pretty lively!

We were a little early for our Gibson guitar tour ( about and hour) but it was air conditioned in side and they had nice comfy chairs to sit in. You could walk around their shop and take pictures but no pics on the tour it's self. This tiger Muppet fur caught my eye.

I was still pretty warm from our walk around town. (We gauged the heat by how many hankys I went through) This was definitely a 4 hanky day. Dan assured my it would be cool on the tour because he said it had to be climate controlled for the guitars. Well it was climate controlled all right. 51% humidity!!! My glasses kept fogging up. You had to wear safety glasses even if you wore glasses. I finally took my regular glasses off. The tour was very interesting and if you are in Memphis I would recommend it. Be sure to call a head for reservations.

We were done with the tour about 4:00 and our next stop was to see the Peabody ducks at the Peabody Hotel. We walked there and it was very crowded but cool (air wise I mean). Well the ducks were cool too but they weren't scheduled to parade back to their pent house until 5:30 and we thought that was too long to wait. A couple of quick pictures and we were on our way to Horn Lake Ms to spend the night. We stayed at a Drury Inn and I would recommend them also. Besides a wonderful full breakfast, they also had a free supper. We ate there that night and really enjoyed it. All went to the pool for a while and to bed for a good nights sleep.