Friday, October 19, 2012

Days Five & Six - The Journey Home

Thursday we started our trip home.  Had to have our suitcases outside our doors by 7:30  Then breakfast and on the road again.  We knew this was going to be a long travel day so everyone was right on time and we left at 8:15.  It rained off and on through North Carolina.  Almost like they were sorry we were leaving.    We had one stop today it was the Kentucky Artisan Center in Berea Kentucky.  We were scheduled to be there at two but because we started a little early and we didn't hit any construction we made it there at noon or maybe it was 12:30.  Can't remember for sure.  We all had lunch there and did a little shopping and then back on the bus.   We stopped here in the afternoon for our potty break. The rest areas in Kentucky and Tennessee were really nice.  This one was like a log cabin.  

This sculpture was out front and was like a sun.  It was entitled "Good Morning" As you can see we left the rain behind and it was another beautiful day.
The trees were spectacular in this area.  This picture doesn't do it justice at all.   We trucked down the road and arrived at our hotel in Indianapolis  a little before six.  We were  scheduled to get there at 8:30.      As it happened Carol gave out the room keys alphabetically.  It is good to have a sister with the name Barton.  We were first off and went and left our luggage in the room and headed over to the Cracker Barrel which was right next door.  When the lady asked if we were visiting Connie told her we were with a bus and the rest were coming.  She asked if we were kidding.  But they are used to large groups and everyone was fed quickly.  A good nights sleep and we were again on the road.  We passed the time playing card bingo and while we were in Kentucky we had animal races.  Not just horses There were six animals (bennie babies)  Sally the dog, Pete the pony,  Pixie the pig, Freddie the frog, Pokie the Turtle and Rudy the rooster.Everyone signed up  for the animal they wanted to root for.With a roll of the dice each animal would move along the seat backs until they had made the entire course.  Connie picked Pokie the turtle and I picked Freddy the frog.  Pokie won the first race and Freddy won the second.  It was a lot of fun and helped pass the time.    We gained and hour going home when we left Indiana.  So we arrived at Galesberg a little after eleven to drop the five friends off   A quick lunch at McDonalds an the last stop was home  We got back to Libertyville a little after 2 and by the time everyone got off.  Carol had gifts for us and we collected our luggage and got to Connie's and divided  up our stuff loaded my car and got home around four.  It was a fun trip but I was exhausted.  Was so happy to sleep in my own bed.