Saturday, October 6, 2012

New York Day 3

Day three started at 6 but we weren't moving quite so fast today. However we went to our home away from home the Cranberry Cafe for breakfast.  Today I had fruit and a muffin.  We made it to Times Square in time to catch one of the early buses to the Empire State Building. I remembered when Cindy and I had been there and there were long long lines so had anticipated spending most of the morning there.  I did not know what time it opened but it was 9:00.  We go there at 9:03.  There were lots of people but we kept moving and didn't have to stand in line long at all.

This is the view from 86 floors up.  The elevator made my ears pop.  This is the east river.

This is the Chrysler building.  It was kind of hazy up there even though it was a bright sunny day.  We got done much earlier than we had thought so got the Hop On Hop Off bus to Central Park. It was a long way to Central Park.  About an hour and half.
This is the famous bull on Wall Street.  
We got to Central Park and it was about 12:30 so tried to find a place to eat but there was a 30 minute wait at the two places we had thought to eat.  So we headed into the park.  It was quite warm by then and guess who's sweating again?  In the park you were kind of out of any breeze that might be blowing and it was very humid.
Lots of horse drawn carriages.  We finally found out that closest place to eat was at the zoo.  And it was a zoo!!  Had a hamburger, fries and a drink and it was more than $15.00.  And it wasn't particularly good. But we were hungry so we ate it.  There was a long long line for the bathroom so by the time we did that and got out and back on the bus and to our hotel we were tired.  Or at least I was.

This was what greeted us back at our hotel.  They had blocked off the street and brought in this huge crane.  Very noisy on our street.  We tried to get tickets to the theater for that night but was too late in the day by the time we got back.  Rested for a while and then went to supper.
We ate here.  I had promised Dan I would eat New York style pizza and eat it the way New Yorkers do.  We had to wait about 30 minutes standing at the bar area with 100 other people who were also waiting.  But the pizza was worth it .  It was very very good.  We had Hawaiian.
This is for you Dan.  
This was their delivery system.  An old bike with the basket folded down so a box would fit in it.  See their slogan?  No slices.

Since we couldn't get tickets for the theater we did some shopping  and watched people in Times Square  before heading back to the hotel.