Sunday, October 7, 2012

New York Day 4

Day four was the reason for going to New York.  We got up at 6 and got ready to go to the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church.  Breakfast next door. Today I had 2 eggs on soft roll (kind of like and egg sandwich) and fruit.  The desk clerk had told Sherri not to tell the cabbie when we got in that we were going to Brooklyn cause sometimes they don't think they can get a fare back and loose money.We had no trouble finding a cab and he was very nice and knew right where the church was.  It is an unimposing building.
This is a picture of the choir and they were very good.  They announced that they had been asked to preform at the 2013 inauguration.   Regardless of who is elected.  Thought that was a pretty big honor..  I enjoyed Pastor Cymbala's message but didn't like that he kept looking at his watch.  There is a second service right after that one and I know they have to keep things moving but just thought it detracted from the message. We learned that they serve lunch at the church to raise funds for their missions, so we decided to eat lunch there.  It was very good home cooked food.  I had ribs and mac and cheese and cornbread .  We also went to their bookstore around the corner and got a couple of books by Pastor Cymbala.  While we were eating lunch it had started to rain.  The clerk at the bookstore told Sherri that if we couldn't find a cab to go back to the church and have them call one for us.  That is what we did.  But for some reason they called a limo service.  The driver came and we got in but the Brooklyn Bridge was closed and everyone had to use the Manhattan  Bridge.  Traffic was horrible.  The 20 minute ride over became over an hour ride back.  I did not know this as I was sitting behind the driver but Sherri told me he would fall asleep when we were stopped in traffic.  When the cars behind him would honk he would wake up and move forward until we stopped again!  Once we got out of traffic he drove like a maniac.  Then I was scared. It also cost us $70.00 for the ride back.  We only had a short time to pick up our tickets to see Wicked and walk over there.  

You couldn't take pictures after the play started but this is the stage.  The map is of the Land of Oz.
A larger picture of the dragon at the top of the stage.   After the play which was excellent, and lasted 2 and a half hours we had reservations for supper at The View.  A revolving restaurant at the top of the Marriott hotel.  We just made it in time! 
Here we are after supper but before dessert!
This one was mine.  Peach ice cream, Apple and nut tart and creme burlee.  Yummo!
Sherrie's was a orange sickle with some kind of ice cream.  It was  a long interesting day but lots of fun too!  We walked back to the hotel and to bed.  Leaving New York tomorrow.