Friday, October 5, 2012

New York Day 2

Day two started at 6 am .  Up and showered and  dressed and out the door by 7:10 or so.  Next door  to the Cranberry Cafe for breakfast.  They had a yummy fresh fruit bar.  You helped  yourself but it was charged by weight so you had to be careful.  I had fruit and a bagel with cream cheese and Sherri had a fruit and a muffin.  On to Times Square to get tickets for the Hop On Hop Off bus.  We got a 48 hour ticket and boarded the Battery Park Express bus that takes you right to  the ferry for Liberty Island. Security is still tight in New York and we had to go through scanners and had to take everything out of our pockets.  So I put my phone and chap stick in my purse.  After we had boarded the ship. (It was pretty rocky.  The waves pretty high) I went to get my phone to take a picture to send and I couldn't find my phone.  I thought it must have fallen out of my purse and I didn't notice it when I picked up my stuff.    We decided to ask when got off.  As you can see the weather was wonderful.  Nice and sunny not a cloud in the sky.
As we got off the boat I asked the guy there and he said go to security when we get back they have a lost and found.    We took some pictures and then got in line for the ferry to Ellis Island.   I opted not to climb the stairs but to sit downstairs.  (My knees were still hurting from the subway stairs) So I didn't get good pictures of the building on Ellis Island.  But I could insert one from the last time I was there and you would never know.  This is the skyline from the island.  We went to watch a short movie on Ellis Island and then I told Sherri I would just go sit outside or in the lobby and wait for her.  I thought it would be a couple of hours,  I finally found a bench outside that had a back on it and was just relaxing.  Took some pictures of the Eklund name on the wall of something. (can't remember what it was called) and wandered back inside and sat down.  Hadn't been there very long when Sherri came up to me and said she had been looking for me everywhere.  She thought she had lost me.  She had even asked a policeman what she should do and he told he just to take the ferry back to Manhattan and we would meet up somewhere.  She didn't  like that idea. We got a bite of lunch there and then  got on the ferry back to the mainland.
When we got back we went to security and asked about my phone.  No one had turned in any phones. I was pretty down/  The phone was cheap but it had all my numbers in it.  I had Sherri call my number thinking that if it had fallen on the floor some one would hear it and I could get it back.  When she did my purse started to ring.  I dug around and it had slipped way down under the flap.  I was verrry happy to get it back!!!!
There is no express bus back to Times Square.  So we had to ride the whole route witch takes about an hour and half to two hours depending on traffic.   This is going through China Town
This is the United Nations.  Which was in session  you can tell by the flags flying.  Back to the hotel for a short rest and then went to Virgil's Bar-B-Que for supper.  I had the best brisket I have ever had.  It just melted in your mouth.  You didn't even have to chew!
 Our entertainment for the evening was a hop on hop off bus ride to see the lights.  It started at seven and we made it in plenty on time.  This is Times Square all lit up.  Pretty huh?
There are as many people in Times Square at night as there are in the day.  Crowds and crowds of people.  It was hard to stay together.  
I think this is the Chrysler building all lit up but don't quote me on that.They look different at night.  But it was a pretty ride and not too cold.  Got back about 8:30 and made our way through the crowds and back to the Hotel with a short stop on the way for a piece of New York Cheesecake which we split.    Again I fell into bed and slept well.